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Sep 25th 2022
Long 🧵 that misrepresents the arrest of #MarkHouck. The fact of why Houck was arrested comes in midpoint🔻. Greg Price refers repeatedly to Houck "sidewalk counseling" outside Planned Parenthood in Philly by which he means illegally terrorizing women & girls seeking healthcare.
Mark Houck sounds 6 to 8 hours --HOURS--forcing his religious beliefs on women and girls outside Philly's Planned Parenthood clinics. He and his son corner his victims and tell them they are committing murder and taking an innocent life. They are not doing "counseling."
Mark Houck is not a counselor. Nor is his son. He is a religious zealots with 7 kids who wants women and girls forced to carry pregnancies they do not want to or cannot carry. This is not his business. His First Amendment rights end at the curb. THIS is why he was arrested.
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