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Jun 5th 2023
1. Day four of the liberation of Russia by democratic insurgent forces: No sign of a slow down. Russian forces continue to be unable to mount a defense to the advancing Russian Volunteer Corps & Freedom of Russia Legion forces now holding 200 sq km of Russian fed territory. Image
2. The head of the Belgorod region rebuffed the insurgent command's call for a prisoner swap IMO likely because Russians are committing war crimes against the uniformed insurgent force following the law of armed conflict under a command structure. ImageImage
3. Prigozhin criticized the Belgorod official for not doing the swap that he said were common practice. The insurgents have taken #Solntsevka, #Sereda, #Maryno and #Leninskiy & fighting continues over nine more settlements that includes #Ziborvka, #Shebekino and #Voznesenovka.
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