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Jun 10th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+472 (10/06) PdS2 - Tous Théâtres hors #Donbass & Arrière-scène

L'offensive terrestre Dniepr-Donetsk soulève des doutes
La destruction du barrage de #Kakhovka devrait soulever moins de doutes

Cogito ergo sum

entraînmt 1ers secours Image

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez-le avec le N°CDLXXI-II de #GuerreEnUkraine


1/ Front 🇷🇺

Les unités de la LVI impliquées dans l’ouverture du front russe (LSR, RDK et Corps polonais) ont effectué un repli de l'autre côté de la frontière 👇 Image
Read 20 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+467 (05/06) PdS2 - Tous Théâtres hors #Donbass & Arrière-scène

Le front🇷🇺reste ouvert et quelque chose se passe au sud de #Zaporizhzia

L'heure de la grande explication est venue

système AA BukM1 détruit par🇺🇦👇

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez-le avec le N°CDLXVI-II de #GuerreEnUkraine


2/Front russe

Il y a maintenant 3 unités de la LVI 🇺🇦impliquées dans l’ouverture du front 🇷🇺 : LSR, RDK et Corps polonais👇 ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
1. Day four of the liberation of Russia by democratic insurgent forces: No sign of a slow down. Russian forces continue to be unable to mount a defense to the advancing Russian Volunteer Corps & Freedom of Russia Legion forces now holding 200 sq km of Russian fed territory. Image
2. The head of the Belgorod region rebuffed the insurgent command's call for a prisoner swap IMO likely because Russians are committing war crimes against the uniformed insurgent force following the law of armed conflict under a command structure. ImageImage
3. Prigozhin criticized the Belgorod official for not doing the swap that he said were common practice. The insurgents have taken #Solntsevka, #Sereda, #Maryno and #Leninskiy & fighting continues over nine more settlements that includes #Ziborvka, #Shebekino and #Voznesenovka.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+466 (04/06) PdS2 - Tous Théâtres hors #Donbass & Arrière-scène

Sur le front 🇷🇺, les raids 🇺🇦 et les arrivées de tirs d'artillerie se succèdent dans la direction de #Shebekino, qui ne serait plus sous contrôle 🇷🇺


(vidéo précédente : OTO-Melara Mod 56 pack howitzer, portée 10 km)

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez-le avec le N°CDLXV-II de #GuerreEnUkraine


2/Front X, Hyp. Z,

(i) opérations de diversion, front 🇷🇺

Les opérations se poursuivent dans l'oblast de #Belgorod 👇
Read 18 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
Heute vermutlich diverse #Testangriffe an verschiedenen Stellen. Dazu in letzter Zeit viele Drohnenangriff nördlich von #Bakhmut, vermutlich um die RUS im Frontvorsprung abzuschneiden.
#RussenPingPong wie es sich gehört.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 4th 2023
1. Day three of the invasion of Russia and the insurgents have driven Russian forces from #Shebekino and surrounding settlements, and city the size of #Bakhmut, with a company of troops who now watch Russian artillery destroying Russian towns and a city with Russian artillery. Image
2. In an apparent effort to convince the Russian public the Kremlin is still in control of Russian territory the army is moving rapidly from the areas in Ukraine where the offensive may begin at any time. The movement of forces, equipment, supplies and ammunition has created Image
3. concentrations of targets in logistics hubs in the #Donetsk and #Luhansk regions that are being hit constantly by Ukraine that has conducted hundreds of strikes. In addition, Russia is trying to reinforce the equipment in the #Zaporizhia region and the port of #Berdyansk was
Read 9 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
Day 466 of the daily thread covering the #UkraineRussianWar begins here.

All the news and analysis, throughout the day and night - looks like little sleep again tonight as it's believed #Russia has fired cruise missiles, currently an hour away from hitting #Ukraine.

The situation is still developing. We hope the missile launch was a fake, or dummy warheads to "draw out" #Ukraine's air defence.

For all yesterday's news, including the terrible attack on #Dnipro, click and scroll here:

Also hearing now that cruise-missile laden ships are in the launch zone in the Black Sea. This is not uncommon, but #Russia's current tactic of a mixed missile attack increases the likelihood of ships being involved.

Estimated time of arrival of rockets: 03:10 Kyiv time.
Read 30 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+465 (03/06) PdS2 - Tous Théâtres hors #Donbass & Arrière-scène

Nous assistons à un événement historique.

La fiction est devenue réalité : le front russe est ouvert, pour la première fois depuis 1945 !👇 Image

Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez-le avec le N°CDLXIV-II de #GuerreEnUkraine👇


1/Front X, Hyp. Z,

(i) ouverture du front 🇷🇺 !

Il n’est plus possible d’évoquer des raids transfrontaliers car leur fréquence et les arrivées de tirs d'artillerie (👇#MaslovaPristan) ont créé une zone grise, non contrôlée par les belligérants

Read 23 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
1. Today Russian insurgents attacked from NE of #Kharkiv and engaged and destroyed Russian amor that was lured into an engagement with infantry supported by tanks of the #RussianVolunteerCorps. Image
2. The reports conflict but it appears the two tanks in support of mounted infantry entered Russia west of where the insurgent forces attacked on Thursday when the insurgents attacked Russian FSB forces at a border control point south of #Shebikino.
3. Thursday Russia moved in and insurgents withdrew back into Ukraine but successfully fixed the Russian mechanized forces for today's attack. With the Russian mechanized forces near of #Shebekino, rather than attack the border control point again, the insurgents Image
Read 10 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
Good morning, welcome to Daily Thread number 465 covering #Ukraine's heroic defence against #Russia's illegal aggression.

I've been here from (before) the start of war, reporting on (sometimes from) a country I've loved, worked + lectured in many, many times.
Overnight was quiet
Before we get stuck in to today's news, a gentle reminder these threads are basically an unpaid full time job - actually more than that as you get days off with a job! Coffee donations welcome (link in Bio)

To catch up on Friday's news, click here
A few drones buzzed #Ukraine yesterday evening but air raids did not last long and no damage was reported.

The drone/cruise missile numbers on #Russia's daily losses are high as they include Friday morning's attacks.
Artillery, special equipment & fuel tanks way above average Image
Read 54 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
The #Russian MoD issued a second update about the June 1 #Shebekino, #Belgorod Oblast border raid, largely fixating on the timeliness and scope of the Russian response to the raid. (1/5)
2/ The MoD claimed that additional Russian Western Military District (WMD) elements reinforced the border area within an hour of the start of the raid and conducted heavy air, artillery, and flamethrower strikes against the raiding units and their reserves.
3/ The MoD claimed that over 135 people & 35 vehicles conducted the raids & that various RU defensive efforts - including small arms fire & mines - repelled the raids. The MoD later celebrated the cmdr of an unspecified motorized rifle battalion for leading the defensive effort.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
Day 464 of #Russia's illegal war in #Ukraine starts with another horrendous wait to see if air defence can protect them as cruise missiles head towards them as I type.

This is THE daily thread with all the news of the brutal war in one place, updated all day (and night!)
So much happened yesterday - here's the link to the start of Thursday's thread.

Deaths from #Russia's missiles because shelters were locked
#Crimea bridge falling down?
Big explosions in #Belgorod + #Kursk regions and the rebel Russian units attack again

Almost all of #Ukraine is under threat right now. Sirens sound across the country except for a handful of western regions.

#Cherkasy, just south of #Kyiv is initially thought to be in the firing line of the missiles launched by #Russia from bombers over the Caspian Sea. Image
Read 66 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+463 (01/06) PdS2 - Tous Théâtres hors #Donbass & Arrière-scène

L'offensive attend

Elle attend une plus grande dispersion de l'armée🇷🇺 sur la ligne de front étendue à 2000 km

Elle attend un "modelage" accru


Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez perdu le fil, reprenez-le avec le N°CDLXII-II de #GuerreEnUkraine👇

1/ Front X, Hyp. Z,

(i) diversion, raids transfrontaliers

La "Légion pour la Liberté de la 🇷🇺", unité de la LVI 🇺🇦 a pénétré à nouveau le territoire 🇷🇺 dans l'axe de #Shebekino, au SE #Belgorod

a.Station de départ du raid 👇près de #Voltchansk en 🇺🇦… Image
Read 19 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
Disturbing news from the Belgorod People's Republic.
I'll try to brighten everything I can in a single thread.
With subs, but late, as usual.🤏🧵

#Belhorod #Shebekino #Шебекино Image
Early morning (yes, 08:00 is early morning for me) published a video announcement on their Telegram channel:

"We are going to liberate all of Russia, from Belgorod to Vladivostok, to raise the white flag of freedom in Moscow." ✊

- Freedom of Russia Legion
At about the same time, RVC also published a video:

"Well, friends, the fighters of the Russian volunteer corps are fighting again on the territory of the Russian Federation." 💁‍♂️

- Russian Volunteer Corp
Read 16 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
The start of meteorological summer. It's also the start of the 17th month which has seen war in #Ukraine.
It's Day 463 of #Russia's illegal war and Thursday is another day which has started with murder in #Kyiv.

All the important news and analysis in one thread, starts here:
First, a quick reminder that you can access all yesterday's developments in #Ukraine in this link to the start of Wednesday's thread⬇️

Thanks to all my followers, boosters, story suggesters and financial supporters (see my profile for the link)

1/ Attack on #Kyiv

The first day of summer is Children's Day in #Ukraine. Yesterday schools closed for the summer.
In the first few hours of this special day, an 11 year old child was killed, murdered by #Russia's missiles, along with two adults in their 30s.

#StopRussia ImageImage
Read 53 tweets
May 31st 2023
Day 462 of #Europe's war, the last day of May.

Mercifully a quiet morning so far this Wednesday in #Ukraine

This is my 462nd daily thread.
All the info you need about #Russia's attack in one handy thread, updated throughout the day.

You can support me with a coffee (see bio)🙏
If you happen to have missed all yesterday's news, put the kettle on and prepare for a long read!

Here's the link for yesterday's thread on what happened in #Ukraine and #Russia.

The biggest event overnight happened in #Russia's #Krasnodar region.

Drones hit the Afipsky Oil Refinery and a fire soon took hold, although it's since been extinguished; no-one was hurt.

About 150km from the front, that's less fuel helping Russia kill Ukrainians.
Read 45 tweets
May 17th 2023
Welcome to Wednesday. Day 448 of #Russia's 10 day war and still #Ukraine holds out and the full counter-offensive yet to come.

For all the news, all day, keep coming back here as the thread is updated constantly.
If you can afford to buy me a coffee please see the link in my bio
Less than 15 months after choosing to start this war, #Russia has seen its total dead soldiers pass 200,000*

Daily losses are over 600 again and vehicles, special equipment and artillery systems again are well up on average.

* #Ukraine figures Image
Read 19 tweets
May 9th 2023
Welcome along to the daily thread for Day 440 of the war in #Ukraine

More deadly missile attacks launched in the early hours this morning by #Russia on what is supposed to be one of the sacred days in the calendar, 9 May.
#Russia has no victory to celebrate.

All the news here⬇️
It was another busy day yesterday, a lot of news from the battlefields of #Ukraine and beyond too.

For a catch up on anything you missed on Monday, click and scroll down from this link:

So during the night #Russia launched no fewer than 25 Cruise missiles - but #Ukraine's air defences managed to shoot down 23 of them.

In the first wave 8 Kalibrs were fired from Black Sea ships. Then at 4am 17 Kh-101/555s were fired by ships over the Caspian Sea. Image
Read 41 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
#OTD 1943 | Vatutin’s South Western Front launched their assault on January 30th, 1943. The initial aim was
to clear Krasnyy Liman and break through the heavily
wooded Severnyy Donets river valley and into the
Donbas steppe beyond. #OperationGallop 1/X
1stGuards Army was to lead this push and the four tank
corps of Mobile Group Popov was to exploit. 6th Army was given the task of capturing the city of #Izyum
and maintaining a link with Voronezh Front to the
north. 2/X
To support #OperationGallop, South Western Front needed to clear the forests north of the #SevernyyDonets. This involved pushing the 19.PzDiv away from #KrasnyyLiman, creating a bridgehead over the river, and advancing towards #Slavyansk. 3/X
Read 52 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
Hello and welcome to the #Ukraine daily thread for the 330th time.
Yes, Thursday is Day 330 of #Russia's illegal war and still the bickering goes on between Freedom allies about whether to give Ukraine tanks to defend itself.

All the news throughout the day in one handy thread..
Busy yesterday? need a recap?
Scroll through Wednesday's news from #Ukraine here, where there was only one big story, as yet another tragedy hit the country.

#Ukraine starts three days of mourning following the horrific helicopter crash just outside the capital #Kyiv yesterday morning.

The period of mourning comes just as grieving for the victims of #Dnipro ends.
One long punishment for the people of #Ukraine

Read 33 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
Day 321 of #Russia's war. There's been outright war in Europe for every month of the past year after the unprovoked aggression started with bombs and the invasion of #Ukraine last February.

Follow all the news around the war, updated here in this thread throughout the day⬇️
I'll start in the now traditional fashion by giving you the link for yesterday's thread in case you missed anything in the #RussiaUkraineWar

First bad news from #Kramatorsk in #Donetsk region.

It's been confirmed that two people died when a Russian missile hit their car as they were travelling on the road.
Read 40 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
This is Day 313 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine

Thanks for joining me for another daily thread with all the important news surrounding the nations and Putin's illegal conflict.

Monday starts with many Ukrainians still under air raid warnings, but Russia looks to be hit too...
A flurry of activity towards the end of yesterday's thread as #Russia once again sent waves of drones into #Ukraine, again mainly heading for the capital.

Catch up on the whole day's events here by clicking and scrolling though:

The current threat seems to be dissipating. In some regions the all clear has been sounded, but not yet in #Kyiv. But the capital's air defence has shot down 10 attack drones so far tonight.

Read 39 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 300 - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 Hoy se cumplen 300 días de una #guerra que comenzó como una operación pensada para durar 3. La cifra no deja de ser irrelevante; no así los centenares de miles de bajas y la destrucción.
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 300 - Este es nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, lunes 19 de diciembre de 2022.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 300 - Ucrania habría atacado -seguramente con sus #HIMARS- una posición rusa en #Chaplinka.

Read 29 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
A milestone in the #RussiaUkraine war.
Tuesday 20 December is Day 300 of the unprovoked conflict.

Welcome along to another daily thread with all the important news and analysis, updated in real time throughout the day.

Here's yesterday's thread ICYMI
The NAFO Fellas down under asked me to let you know about this festive initiative:

#StandWIthUkraine #StopRussia

The @UN stands accused of "yielding to #Russia's threats" for not investigating #Iran's role in the drone attacks which are causing the civilian population unimaginable suffering

Many allies believe Iran's supply of weapons violates a 2015 UNSC resolution…
Read 38 tweets

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