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Oct 7th 2021
Apologies it took a few days to compile 🙂 but here are some highlights of the @OpenschoolsUS / @AFTunion #MaskPanel with @rweingarten @TracyBethHoeg @PatriceHarrisMD @IrwinRedlenerMD and @DrJBhattacharya 👇
One of the main reasons we held this important #MaskPanel discussion on Masks, COVID, Kids & Schools is because many experts have not been allowed to share their opinions and POV, w basic science and immunology being censored as "disinformation". @TracyBethHoeg address this here:
Here’s an interesting exchange: @TracyBethHoeg @PatriceHarrisMD @DrJBhattacharya and even @IrwinRedlenerMD point out that kids don’t wear masks well. @PatriceHarrisMD implies that we need better enforcement in schools: #MaskPanel
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