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Aug 18th 2020
Most underrated and least talked about yet highly effective remedy is Maun #Vrata .
Mauna vrata doesn't mean not talking for a day or few hours. #Mauna - means silence. When all your thoughts get silenced, you become a mere observer , this is the actual mauna . 2/n
Benefits - improves your buddha, guru and chandra . Mind becomes stable and wise. Focus improves. Talking cause loss of prana and ceaseless thoughts can be draining to mind , body and soul. Results - we can't concentrate nor contemplate. 3/n
One can start with keeping mauna for one hour initially. Nothing can beat being with yourself completely. This can open new realms of understanding and this is one of the best remedy to make buddha positive. #jyotish #VedicAstrology #vedicwisdom
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