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Mar 15th 2022
Since #TheKashmirFiles has sensationalized our people, I’m sharing a thread involving Kashmir, East-Pakistan & Bone chilling Murders of 30,000 Hindus.

Read About Another Devastating History Which No Nehruvian Distorian Like To Tell.

On 27 December 1963 a holy relic,
which was believed by many to be a #strand_from_the_beard of Prophet Muhammad, was stolen from Hazratbal Shrine (J&K) leading to protests and mass agitation. It was recovered on 4 January 1964 and the thieves were 3 Kashmiri Muslims.
The details appeared at New York Times, but
no Indian Newspaper carried this. WHY?
They included Abdul Rahim Bandey, a custodian of the shrine, and a villager named Abdul Rashid, who was caught while running away after returning the hair to the shrine 10 days later, the third was “an important person who we believe has
Read 17 tweets
Jun 19th 2021
Here Is Another Devastating History Which No Nehruvian Distorian Like To Tell.
Read On…..
Usually for Muslims, rioting is god sent boon because they can rape, kill & do anything they are passionate about. Above that they are not held accountable & even the Secular Islamists
won't feel ashamed.
On 27 December 1963 a holy relic, which was believed by many to be a #strand_from_the_beard of Prophet Muhammad, was stolen from Hazratbal Shrine (J&K) leading to protests and mass agitation. It was recovered on 4 January 1964 and the thieves were 3 Kashmiri
The details appeared at New York Times, but no Indian Newspaper carried this. WHY?
They included Abdul Rahim Bandey, a custodian of the shrine, and a villager named Abdul Rashid, who was caught while running away after returning the hair to the shrine 10 days later.
Read 17 tweets

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