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May 25th 2019
#WeeklyCardioReview Left main: #PCI or #CABG? A methodological review of #EXCELtrial and #NOBLEtrial, research in context and final answer to what should I do with my patient with #LMdisease. Stay tuned, enjoy and comment
#EXCELtrial Intended population: 2010-2014
1. LM >70% visually, or >50% hemodynamically significant
2. Heart team suitable for both Tx
3. SYNTAX score <32
Actual population:
Core lab detected high SYNTAX score (≥33) in 24.2%
Distal LM 80.5%
2 or 3 VD 51.3%
Most common exclusion criteria: Disease too complex for PCI (31.9%)
1905 pts randomized, small cross overs, balanced LTFU
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