Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #PCI

Most recents (24)

1a) Welcome to a live-tweeted, #accredited #tweetorial from @nationallipid #NLA23 in #Atlanta on advances in #hyperlipidemia management #LLT. Our expert returning faculty is Pam R. Taub, MD @PamTaubMD #cardiologist from @UCSDHealth ImageImageImage
1b) Dr. Taub is a clinician/scientist and is a frequent contributor to our #accredited programs. She is the founding director of the Step Family Foundation Cardiac Rehabilitation and Wellness Center at #UCSD.
#FOAMed #cardiotwitter @MedTweetorials #MedEd #lipids Image
2) This program is supported by an educational grant from Esperion Therapeutics & is intended for #HCPs. Statement of accreditation & faculty disclosures at Earn 0.75 hr 🆓CE/#CME by following this 🧵!
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Il primo finanziamento ufficiale da #Mosca avvenne il 14 dicembre 1947, quando Stalin in persona consegnò a Pietro Secchia 600mila dollari per sostenere la campagna del partito alle prime elezioni del parlamento italiano. Tre anni più tardi il Pcus istituzionalizzò il
contributo ai partiti comunisti esteri, creando il Fondo di assistenza internazionale ai partiti e alle organizzazioni sindacali di sinistra, struttura finanziaria occulta del Comitato centrale del partito sovietico. Il Fondo rimase operativo fino al 1991, anno del fallito
colpo di stato contro Michail Gorbaciov e della caduta dell’Unione Sovietica. I documenti del Fondo vennero alla luce l’anno dopo, con lo scioglimento del Pcus. Ebbene, da quei documenti, analizzati da Valerio Riva, emerge che in quarant’anni l’Urss elargì alla sinistra
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1/ For the fellows and #ACCEarlyCareer!

It’s a coronary thrombus! When to consider thrombectomy? What do you do? Let’s walk through this…#Tweetorial

#Cardiotwitter #Cardiology #STEMI
2/ Middle age patient with hx of CAD and PCI to LAD presents with significant SOB and elevated Hs-Trop. No chest pain. No ECG changes. Echo with inferior hypokinesis.

Here’s the diagnostic with a JR4.

Notice the filling defect in the RCA. This is thrombus. How do we know?
3/ Keys of #thrombus on angiogram

🔑 contrast staining
🔑 Lack of calcium on non con image
🔑 ovoid filling defect (complete lumen)

#Cardiotwitter #STEMI #TIMI
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Follow this #CardioTwitter #Thread
to get an overview of ALL
🚨#ESCcongress #HotLineSessions🚨

➡️14 #OnePager #CongressCards
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PART 2 ⬇️ ImageImage

On-demand ESC 📺:

6.1/ #eBRAVE-AF - Smartphone-based #AF screening.
On-demand ESC 📺:

#ESCcongress Image
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➡️ En este hilo 🧵voy a intentar explicar la evolución de la #normativa 📝 contra #incendios 🔥 en España 🇪🇦. Si quieres saber algo más, acompáñame a lo largo de los años. 👇👇
📌 La Norma Tecnológica sobre Instalaciones de Protección contra #Incendios NTE-IPF, apareció en el año 1974 con carácter nacional suponiendo un gran avance debido a la ausencia de normativa hasta el momento.En esta primera norma apareció el conocido #racor Barcelona.
📌El 1 de septiembre de 1978 se promulgó el RD 2177/78, de Protección contra Incendios en #Hospitales 🏥, debido a un incendio que se produjo en el hospital materno infantil de Virgen del Rocío, en Sevilla. El 🔥se localizó en el sótano y al carecer de unas mínimas...
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Il Partito Comunista Italiano ribadisce il proprio impegno nello schierarsi contro la deriva bellicista e violenta di #NATO, #UE e del governo #Draghi.
In occasione del #25aprile, Festa della #Liberazione, vogliamo ricordare i valori della #Resistenza #antifascista che sono stati impressi nella #Costituzione repubblicana, nella forma del ripudio di ogni forma di #guerra.
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A causa degli #aumenti di costo delle materie prime conseguenti alle #sanzioni alla #Russia il 16% delle #aziende italiane ha già ridotto o chiuso la #produzione, con previsioni ancora più drammatiche.⬇️ Image
Come a #Torino, dove si stima un 30% di #imprese costrette a chiudere e/o interrompere la produzione, in #Lombardia, con più di 350 aziende chiuse, in #Veneto, dove si prepara una crisi agroalimentare, o in Umbria, dove #Colussi chiude e mette 300 persone in cassa integrazione.⬇️
Come sempre, a pagare le scelte scellerate dei governi sono le lavoratrici e i lavoratori, non certo amministratori delegati e parlamentari, che hanno la barca all’asciutto. ⬇️
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1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial on parenteral #antiplatelet therapy in #neurovascular interventions. Our expert author is Fawaz Al-Mufti MD @almuftifawaz, interventional #neurologist Interventional Neurologist @NYMedcollege @WestchesterMed @neurocritical @svinsociety
2) This program is intended for #healthcare providers & is accredited for 0.5h CE/#CME for #physicians #PhysicianAssociate #nursepractitioner #nurse #pharmacists and is supported by educational grants from AstraZeneca, Bayer, and Chiesi.
3) Be sure to see prior tweetorials on #antiplatelet management, still available for credit, at…. Faculty disclosures are listed at
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Mattei, #Moro, Falcone... la lunga scia di sangue che ha accompagnato la destabilizzazione dell'#Italia:

“La stagione dei diritti e libertà si rivelerà effimera se questo paese non avrà una buona coscienza.”
(Aldo Moro)…

Tutti i video della serie "The Moro Files", con Gero Grassi ex membro della seconda commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sul rapimento e l'uccisione di Aldo Moro, sono disponibili solo qui: dopo che sui social sono stati censurati, anche…
#Berlinguer svendette il #PCI alla #NATO (col famoso viaggio a Washington di Giorgio Napolitano in pieno sequestro #Moro), in sostituzione della "statalista" #DC. Cominciò così la svendita ed il declino dell'#Italia.…

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Don’t miss a new accredited #tweetorial launching TOMORROW here on @cardiomet_CE. #Interventional #cardiologist, #researcher, & #SoMe education leader @DLBHATTMD will be talking all about #aspirin, its role in #cardiovascular wellness & prevention, and new approaches to . . .
1) Welcome to an #accredited #tweetorial on the foundational role of #aspirin in #cardiovascular care. There are new approaches to #aspirin formulation & dosing. This program is accredited for 0.50h CE/#CME. I am @DLBHATTMD. #FOAMed #cardiotwitter #medtwitter Image
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Don’t miss a new accredited #tweetorial launching TOMORROW here on @cardiomet_CE. #Cardiologist, #SoMe education advocate, and true #Renaissance man @CMichaelGibson will be discussing a novel #aspirin prep that has PK/PD like plain #ASA . . .
. . . but a different site of absorption--with greater predictability than ECASA. DON'T MISS IT!! @DLBHATTMD @cpcannon @AnnMarieNavar @DrM_ODonoghue @DrMarthaGulati @practicalcardio @GuyattGH @DrMauricioCohen @SVRaoMD @ASPCardio @PlateletDoc @stephanamayer #FOAMed #CardioTwitter
1) Welcome to a #tweetorial where we’ll explore how changing the formulation of #aspirin & where it's absorbed in the GI tract can ⬇️the risk of acute GI injury, but still maintain predictable absorption. This program is accredited for 0.50h CE/#CME. I am @CMichaelGibson. #FOAMed Image
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When you counsel ICU patients (>65yo)/their proxies before receiving a tracheostomy (‘trach’) and a gastrostomy (‘PEG’), what do you estimate to be the cohort’s 90-day mortality (day 0 = hospital admission)?
When you counsel ICU patients (>65yo)/their proxies before proxies before receiving a tracheostomy (‘trach’) and a gastrostomy (‘PEG’), what do you estimate to be the median number of hospital free days out of 90days in this cohort?
A🧵:When I was a fellow, we had to do rotations through a unit at MGH called the RACU - the Respiratory Acute Care Unit – basically a chronic vent unit after patients got trach/PEGs. @galbamd and @almoskow remember the heartbreak and drama in this unit all too well
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1/ pt presents with sudden onset CP at home. Takes Tylenol and goes back to sleep. Wakes up in the AM with mild CP. Goes to outside hospital with near res of pain. Trop 5 on arrival. No EKG changes. Diag cath 🔽

@HadyLichaaMD @agtruesdell @RajTayalMD @rajivxgulati @DrAmirKaki
3/ I decided to place on G2B3a and ship to me. Plans for #PCI 12-24 hours after Aggrastat marinate. Patient continues to have mild CP controlled with nitro. #EKG stable. This is image next morning.

@BotPci @yourheartdoc1 @alaa_gabi @doconmoney @AkhilGulati @Pooh_Velagapudi
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Don't miss the launch Monday of a new accredited tweetorial on optimizing duration of antiplatelet therapy after #ACS/#PCI, with expert author @mirvatalasnag leading us through the data. #ACCWIC @DrMarthaGulati @ShelleyZieroth @TYWangMD @Drroxmehran @aayshacader #cardiotwitter Image
Watch here tomorrow a new accredited, serialized tweetorial on optimizing duration of antiplatelet therapy after ACS/PCI. Earn 0.5 CE/#CME credits: #physicians, #nurses, #pharmacists! Expert faculty @mirvatalasnag. #medtwitter @academiccme #cardiotwitter #FOAMed @CardioNerds
1) Welcome to a tweetorial on optimizing duration of antiplatelet tx after #ACS/#PCI! Accredited for 0.50 credits by @academiccme! I am @mirvatalasnag . Be sure to see prior tweetorials on this topic and still earn credit at… Image
Read 14 tweets
#CMGsays: Join here tomorrow for the launch of a new accredited tweetorial on optimal management of diabetic and other high-risk patients with stable CAD, particularly those with previous PCI, to reduce the risk of MI or stroke. Expert faculty is the incomparable @CMichaelGibson
And you’ll learn how these data should impact your practice: Image
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52 yo 🙍🏻‍♂️recent hospitalized for pneumonia +#COVID19
Consult for chest pain.
#STEMI #CardioTwitter
@smithECGBlog @EM_RESUS @drdargaray @ECGQuizzes @ECGfan @ecgrhythms @ECGcorner @SIAC_cardio @PCRonline @mmamas1973 @SeNani2908 @cachoraggio Image
2/5 #STEMI high thrombus burden ⏩#PCI +Tirofiban ImageImage
3/5 Cardiogenic Shock ⏩Stent thrombosis ⏩PCI / IABP ImageImage
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#ACC21 late-breakers🧵
1/Antiplatelets: Let's start with #aspirin
❌ADAPTABLE :Aspirin 325 mg vs 81 mg in ASCVD pts
No difference in death/ MI/ stroke/major bleeding
💎pragmatic trial: EHR-identified pts
💎significant dose switching in 325 mg group…
✅Host Exam: Aspirin vs Clopidogrel in chronic Maintenance monotherapy after #PCI w/ DES
#Clopidogrel monotherapy reduced composite of death, non-fatal MI, stroke, ACS re-admission, BARC >=3 bleeding, compared to #aspirin monotherapy.
❓East Asian paradox…
✅TALOS- AMI: De-escalation ✅
In pts w/ no major events in 1st month after index PCI, de-escalation of DAPT from #ticagrelor to #clopidogrel is superior to tica-only DAPT in terms of net clinical benefit, with
⬇️decreased bleeding 🩸risk
- no increase in ischaemic risk
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Watch here tomorrow for the launch of a new accredited tweetorial on use of P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy after PCI! Earn 0.5 CE/CME credits: physicians, nurses, pharmacists! Expert faculty @SVRaoMD. #medtwitter @academiccme #cardiotwitter
1) Welcome to a tweetorial on the use of P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy after PCI! Accredited for 0.50 credits by @academiccme: physicians, nurses, pharmacists! I am @SVRaoMD. Image
2) This series is supported by educational grant funding from Abbott, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Chiesi, and NovoNordisk. Follow this thread for credit. And here is a case …
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Letzter Thread für die diesjährige #DGKJahrestagung mit der Zusammenfassung der

🔥Highlight Session🔥

Danke allen Organisatoren und der Administration der @DGK_org (Frau Wilke, Frau Kacmaz, Frau Kersken und allen anderen die im Verborgenen bleiben) von meiner Seite!

Danke auch meinen #DGKAmbassadors-Kollegen und vor allem meinen @AGIKinterv-Buddies (@kaschenke @HolgerNef @MarcVorpahl @thiele_holger) für tolle Zusammenarbeit für die #DGKJahrestagung 2021:
1.1/ ➡️Highlights "Experimentelle Kardiologie" by Jürgen Schrader | Düsseldorf

#DGKJahrestagung 2021
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1/8 Now that the poll has closed, I'd like to disclose that I'm with the minority (No) on this one. Rationale summarized in this thread 👇

#pci #training #appsec #swsec

cc: @shehackspurple @bilcorry @robertauger @cigitalgem
2/8 Note: My position is mostly for large enterprises - especially the ones that operate in different sectors/countries (jurisdictions) & thus are subject to multiple compliance mandates & regulations. But, one can philosophically embrace this approach for other enterprises too.
3/8 First up, if you are subject to various compliance regulations and standards, it is best to make sure that your internal security standards account for them all so that you can present a unified set of security requirements to product/engineering. No need to mention "PCI".
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Su @Wikipedia c'è scritto che Giorgio #Napolitano nel 1978 fu il primo del #PCI a ricevere un visto per recarsi negli #USA. FALSO..come dimostra #Wikileaks ci furono altri comunisti italiani prima di lui e anche Segr Gen PC di #Spagna #SantiagoCarrillo… Image
Inoltre Giorgio #Napolitano #PCI si reca negli #USA 2 settimane dopo il rapimento del Pres Consiglio Aldo #Moro...
D'altronde, già nel 1974, autorevoli membri del #PCI incontrarono il #deepstate #USA alla #Trilateral1974 a Roma..

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Our most recent analysis of PROGRESS-CTO equipment
use, building on previous work by @ArisKaratasakis et al


Pilot 200/Fielder XT remain most common antegrade GWs but %⬇️due to quick adoption of newer GWs such as Gaia 3rd.

Torquable microcatheters (Turnpike) are the most commonly used ones. Success rates when a microcatheter is used have ⬆️⬆️

2/3 Image
Retrograde approach:

Sion was the most commonly used guidewire for collateral crossing.

Pilot 200 the most commonly used for CTO crossing.

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1. rispondo a chi mi ha criticato sul cablo del 1978 in cui #Montanelli dice alla diplomazia USA: meglio un #Pinochet che un governo del #PCI. Il cablo originale è qui (inglese):… è stato desecretato dalle stesse autorità USA e ripubblicato da #WikiLeaks
2. la critica che mi è stata fatta privatamente è la seguente: lei difende la #privacy e poi diffonde il cablo di un giornalista che parla confidenzialmente con una sua fonte?
3. il giornalista #Montanelli NON parlava con una sua fonte,parlava con diplomazia della più grande potenza mondiale,che ha OBBLIGHI di trasparenza. La conversazione #Montanelli -diplomatici USA è del 1978:Dipartimento Stato l'ha desecretata dopo ben 36 ANNI
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