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May 10th 2022
A mini review from #TheHematologist shows how important treating #IronDeficiency anemia is, especially for underdiagnosed female patients. This #NWHW, learn how you can care for your patients with anemia & other gynecologic conditions. 🧵👇🏽
How can you identify #IronDeficiency? Heavy menstrual bleeding is a risk factor.

👶 HMB is estimated to affect 18-38% of women of reproductive age

⬆️ HMB may be higher in perimenopausal individuals

📉 Non-anemic iron depletion is common & underdiagnosed. #NWHW Image
🤰 Pregnancy can also be a risk factor for #IronDeficiency due to ⬆️ iron req's, & it may increase risk of maternal complications like:

🥱 Fatigue
🧠 Postpartum depression | #MaternalMHmatters
🩸 Postpartum hemorrhage #NWHW Image
Read 5 tweets
May 21st 2019
The most aggressive abortion ban bills are spreading throughout our country. These #abortionbans hurt women, ignore the First Amendment, and willfully erase the line between church-state separation. #stopthebans #NWHW
In the wake of these extreme #abortionbans, we’re joining @ACLU @PPFA @NARAL & others to fight back. Today is the day to show up & speak out against these draconian policies. Abortion is a church-state separation issue. Take action to #Stopthebans #NWHW
@ACLU @PPFA @NARAL Just this year alone, nearly 30 bans on abortion have been introduced, passed, or signed into law in statehouses around the country. Abortion is a church-state separation issue.Take action today! #stopthebans #NWHW
Read 7 tweets

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