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May 27th 2023
Nine years of @narendramodi as a stateman & a leader

Here are the nine things that he DIDN'T do, which is why I will always vote for him:

1 Didn't succumb to western pressure & Chetan Bhagat's recommendation to accept #Pfizer vaccine

2 Didn't excessively indulge in printing notes during COVID. Many economies that did are experiencing inflation

3 Didn't display "strategic restraint" when provoked by🇵🇰

4 Didn't have a single financial scam

5 Didn't forget Indians stranded in war-torn Yemen, Ukraine or Sudan
6 Didn't let long festering problems remain unsolved, such as OROP, vexatious Bangladesh border enclaves, Sarayu irrigation project etc

7 Didn't let Kashmir burn after 370

8 Didn't let FICN hurt the Indian economy, bit the demonetisation bullet

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