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May 10th 2018
TN’s #HB2315 would force local law enforcement to comply with ICE. It would violate both the federal and TN constitutions.

"If constitutionality is a key question, vetoing this bill should be a slam dunk for the governor."— SPLC's Naomi Tsu #NoHB2315…
Tennessee’s #HB2315 is not a commonsense answer to a broken immigration system. It is an unconstitutional bill pushed by extremists from outside of Tennessee—namely, anti-immigrant hate group FAIR, which testified in favor of it. #NoHB2315…
Despite commonly spread misinformation about "sanctuary cities," "sanctuary" policies actually make communities safer.

A law that makes 1 in 10 Tennesseans afraid to interact with the police will only make law enforcement’s job that much harder. #NoHB2315…
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