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Apr 23rd 2021
Every Day is Earth Day
(suggestions for the way ahead).

Every new road constructed should use plastic bricks or eco bricks made from plastic waste so as to reduce and reuse plastic bottles. Neighbourhoods can be involved in it. #ReuseForRoads
#EverydayIsEarthDay 1/11
Every new building constructed should be totally self sustaining. From managing organic waste to recycling plastic waste to producing energy to having green exteriors,green roof tops & algae filled water tanks installed for carbon sequestering. #ZeroWasteBuildings
#EarthDay 2/11
One time use of plastic should be totally stopped for water bottles, and soft drinks. This is creating mountains of plastic waste. Sea weed, hemp, sand, tin are safer, reusable materials . #FindAlternateMaterials
#EarthDay 3/11
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