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Dec 29th 2020
Excited to share our paper on a fast (<40 min. TAT), cheap (<$6/sample), accessible (no special equipment, sous vides welcome), sensitive (LoD ~25 copies/uL) SARS-CoV-2 LAMP-based #covidtest, published in #OFIDā€¦. My first šŸ§µ(1/n)
Preface: V. grateful for the collaboration between @mghpathology (Eric Rosenberg, Graham McGrath, Joe Lennerz, John Branda, and šŸ† clin micro lab staff), @MassGeneralEM (Benjamin White and šŸ‘ED staff), Harvard Med (@brianrabe6, Connie Cepko) & @NEBiolabs (@nathan_a_tanner) (2/n)
We started this work in early March. The COVID surge was coming but clinical micro labs faced countless shortages (real-time PCR machines, RNA extraction kits, master mix, media). Borrowing from generous research labs only got us so far. Was there an alternative to qPCR? (3/n)
Read 19 tweets
Oct 28th 2020

What is the yield of percutaneous bone biopsy for diabetic foot osteomyelitis? Check our meta-analysis. Honored to have our paper selected as editor's choice for #OFID

@DGArmstrong @PaulSaxMD @CarlosdelRio7 @benjamin_riskā€¦

How many papers are out there reporting on the yield (i.e., proportion that are culture positive) of percutaneous bone biopsy for diabetic foot osteomyelitis?

11 papers (including 2 conf abstract). 10 papers from Europe, 3 from same first author.

How many patients and percutaneous bone biopsies for diabetic foot osteomyelitis we found in our systematic review?

780 patients with 837 PBBs - that is not much considering a diabetes-related amputation occurs every 30 seconds globally:
Read 11 tweets

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