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Apr 19th 2023
💥 Time to get up-to-speed with #OSINT! 🚀

Here's a breakdown of our latest @OsintJobs Newsletter issue (#75) 🤓👇

#OSINT #OSINTJobs #OSINTNewsletter

🔥 Don't miss out! Our newsletter delivers the latest #OSINT tradecraft tips, jobs & news from EVERYWHERE! 🌐

Our pros do more than monitor a single hashtag.

We curate tweets, LinkedIn posts, articles, reports, guides & so much more! 💪 #OSINT #OSINTJobs #OSINTNewsletter

Here's a quick rundown of some of the highlights from our latest @OsintJobs newsletter issue.

1. For investigations on Discord, make sure to bookmark @dutch_osintguy's resources:


#OSINT #OSINTJobs #OSINTNewsletter

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