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Nov 27th 2022
Good morning folks 🌊

It's Sunday morning so I am going to keep it light and easy - with a 🧵of interesting videos that you can watch at your leisure😎📺🌊
Is a series of short films about fishers here in 🇮🇪 and their connection to the sea.
John Brittain, a Galway sea angler tells us how he believes MPAs could lead to better living for coastal communities & a chance to protect biodiversity.
Is the organic carbon captured & stored by the world's oceanic & coastal ecosystems (think seagrasses, macroalgae, mangroves, salt marshes etc.) making the 🌊our biggest ally for mitigating #ClimateChange 💪🌍🌎🌏
Read 9 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
Straight into it this morning - 🧵on where we are with Ireland's new #MarineProtectedArea legislation and when we can expect it to become law 👇🌊🐟🦈🇮🇪
1/ Picture of rugged landscape...
🐟Ireland's Programme for Government commits to ‘30% of marine protected areas by 2030…done on the basis of scientific expertise and in close consultation with all stakeholders’;

🐟MPA Advisory Group publish report ‘Expanding Ireland’s Network of MPAs’;
🐟Government consult on the MPA report and 2,311 public feedback responses are received;

🐟A summary of consultation responses is published indicating overwhelming support of MPAs and 30x30 targets (i.e., 30% of Irish waters as a MPA before 2030 #30x30);
Read 16 tweets

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