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January 7, 2023


Political persecution on the "Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Bloody January", announced by the organizing committee for the creation of the opposition party "Alga #Kazakhstan" on January 7, 2023.

@hrw @omctorg @OSCE

Civil activist #Bekzadina Elvira reported about her illegal detention.

At 12 noon, Elvira went to the monument to the Victims of the Holodomor to commemorate the victims of Bloody January. The whole territory was cordoned off with an iron fence, there were many policemen.
After Elvira laid flowers at the monument and went towards the #ZhastarPalace, a paddy wagon stopped in front of her, four #SOBR officers ran out of there, attacked Elvira, took her phone and pushed her into the paddy wagon.

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