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Jan 18th 2023
Jinki's Japan 1st Concert Tour 2022 ~Life goes on~ DVD/Blu-Ray Fanclub Edition HQ Scans 🎶 Watermarked in thread for online use. Non-watermarked for personal use dl here: ⬇️

#ONEW #온유 #SHINee #샤이니 Image
Read 32 tweets
Aug 29th 2022

interview translation thread

#KEY_GASOLINE ImageImageImageImage
Q: we are filming the sep issue showcasing F/W, how on earth did you manage not to show any discomfort wearing those outfits in this hot summer heat?

Key: oof, not at all (flattered) ImageImageImage
Q:In the lyrics of the solo song "Bad Love" released last year "I'm sick and tired of it". Whenever I see Key, you remind me of a 만담가comedian*. You show off a veteran's ease.

(my remarks: i love his answer to this question) ImageImageImageImage
Read 26 tweets
Apr 10th 2021
by shiningnatt

i just made some Atlantis themed wallpaper! feel free to use it by tapping like/RT on this tweet!
hope u guys liked it💕

#SHINee #SHINee_Atlantis #Onew #Jonghyun #Key #Minho #TAEMIN ImageImageImage
and here's the OT5 wallpaper yay💕💕💕

again,, feel free to use them!!

#SHINee #SHINee_is_back_to_Atlantis #Onew #Jonghyun #Key #Minho #Taemin ImageImage
here's how the other ones looked like when you use them!

#SHINee #SHINee_Atlantis #Onew #Jonghyun #Key #Minho #Taemin ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Mar 1st 2021
Ok, I realized that my answer is going to be somewhat long. So here is a solid threat of what to do/explore first as a babywol!

Also, for further info, definitely look to this thread by @mimikoko525. She's done a fantastic job!

So definitely, start with the debut, but I would look at 2 different vids bc both hold special places in Shawol hearts.
(replay debut stage - look at that hair)
(Rapper Taemin & the pastel clothes moments.)
From there, I recommend watching a run-through of some of their famous stages just to get a feel for all the different types of songs you will encounter, and to get you hyped for this epic journey!

MBCKpop actually has a pretty good compilation 😅
Read 110 tweets

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