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Feb 6th 2023
Pakistan was always doomed to be a failed state.
Excerpt from V.S. Naipaul's excellent book - Among The Believers.

[Picture Thread]
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Feb 5th 2023
"Pakistan in Crisis: A Look at the Challenges Facing the Nation"


1) Depleting Foreign Reserves

Foreign reserves are necessary to cover the cost of imports, including nearly all of Pakistan's oil needs.

#PakistanBankrupt #PakistanEconomicCrisis
The nation currently has a remaining reserve that will last for only one month.

2) Pakistani Rupee Depreciation

The Pakistani rupee has been steadily losing value compared to the dollar, making imports more expensive.
This results in increased costs for the same goods, which further diminishes the country's foreign reserves."

3) Flood

The floods that occurred in Pakistan in 2022 resulted in an estimated $30 billion in economic damages.
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