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Nov 10th 2020

🕊️The Azerbaiijan & Armenia agreement is a con : Russia failed to rally, to unite them all because Turkey is MISSING in the deal.

The ARMENIAN GENOCIDE, in Artsakh & Armenia, MUST STOP NOW ! #PeaceForArmenia #PeaceforArmenians #Peace
What would be HIGHLY appreciated would be the OFFICIAL RECOGNITION of the Armenian Genocide (1915-1916) to build a DEFINITIVE PEACE with Turkey. Turkey must stop denying it even if it happened before Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's Republic. It was at the time of Talaat Pacha...
the "Turkish Hitler" who died in Berlin. Erdogan should ask Boris Johnson to help him in that delicate diplomatic mission : he is the Great Grand Son of the Secretary of State at the time of Mustafa Kemal Pacha...
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