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Feb 15th 2022
This evening, @rickygervais took to the #PleasanceTheatre in London to test new material for his upcoming tour ‘Armageddon’ & told one of the most lamest jokes of his career to date. Yes you guessed it, a boring #MichaelJackson joke & here is the gist of it below -
#RickyGervais starts talking about “peadaphiles back in my day” & references how they used to have bucked teeth with certain appearances blah blah blah. He talked about how they would offer sweets to kids blah blah. He then says that nowadays peadaphiles could look like anyone.
He cites how attractive Michael Jackson was & that he had been accused of such a thing. He does the Moonwalk (it’s worth noting @rickygervais claims to be an MJ fan & paid homage to him on his cover art for his previous ‘Animals’ TV stand up) & other signature MJ movements.
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