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May 11th 2023
🪡 🎥 #EdwardScissorhands played by #JohnnyDepp— Inspired by #TimBurton’s own childhood & drawing — his most personal work—
A masterpiece; blending humor, beauty, innocence & tragedy.
#GaryOldman was offered the role of #EdwardScissorhands — but just couldn’t understand the story & therefore declined. It took him to actually see the movie— a particular scene— that finally made him realize what #TimBurton imagined all along.
FOX offered the role to many other known artists/actors at the time— Including #MichaelJackson, #TomHanks & #TomCruise. But FOX really focused on #TomCruise. However, Cruise, apparently asked questions & made suggestions that even #TimBurton categorized as « weird ».
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Sep 8th 2022
Full appearance on
The Merv Griffin Show 1974
Michael being interviewed
#JanetJackson at age 8 being interviewed
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Aug 26th 2022
The 2021 #VMAs received the lowest viewership ever, only 900k tuned in to a show that used to draw millions. Rumour has it that the irrelevant show is hiring an irrelevant actor to make an appearance this year because he is a violent abuser & the #DVMAs love violent men: a 🧵 VMAs: A History of Violence
🪡: #VMAs 1989 - #AxlRose was charged with statutory rape in 1985, but charges were dropped due to lack of evidence. In 1987, Rose was arrested onstage for assaulting a security guard. #DVMAs #VMAbusers Rose and Slash were charged with statutory rape in 1985 afte
🪡: #VMAs 1992 - Marky #MarkWahlberg has a history of racism & violence. In the 1980s, he was involved in several racially motivated attacks. A month before the 1992 #VMAs he assaulted a neighbor & fractured his jaw. #DVMAs #VMAbusers 1986: 15-year-old Wahlberg and three friends chased after th
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Jul 9th 2022
⭕❤️⭕ RIP ET...Comprenez ce que vous comprenez…👍
🤔🤔🤔 Je m'attendrais à ce que si quelqu'un était SH0T avec un SH0TGUN dans le dos près du cœur, nous verrions BEAUCOUP plus de BL0OD sur le sol, sur sa chemise blanche et des W0UNDS visibles

En voyez-vous? Image
🤔🤔🤔 Abe étant transféré d'une ambulance à un hélicoptère sous un drap bleu....hmmmm

#michaelJackson hein...?
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Feb 16th 2022

About the recent #MichaelJackson write up featured in the @Telegraph, courtesy of @MrGuyKelly, who evidently falls short of journalistic integrity by believing that facts apparently are irrelevant when it comes to telling the truth.
A poster boy for the reason why so many are turning their back on mainstream media to access factual content elsewhere.
Here, we will break down some of the falsehoods he presented behind a paywall & give you the public, the accurate information for free. Ready?
GK: the MJ musical stops "curiously short" of mentioning the allegations against MJ.

FACT: The musical itself is based around the creation of the #DangerousTour & is not an academic study of MJ's entire life.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
This evening, @rickygervais took to the #PleasanceTheatre in London to test new material for his upcoming tour ‘Armageddon’ & told one of the most lamest jokes of his career to date. Yes you guessed it, a boring #MichaelJackson joke & here is the gist of it below -
#RickyGervais starts talking about “peadaphiles back in my day” & references how they used to have bucked teeth with certain appearances blah blah blah. He talked about how they would offer sweets to kids blah blah. He then says that nowadays peadaphiles could look like anyone.
He cites how attractive Michael Jackson was & that he had been accused of such a thing. He does the Moonwalk (it’s worth noting @rickygervais claims to be an MJ fan & paid homage to him on his cover art for his previous ‘Animals’ TV stand up) & other signature MJ movements.
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Dec 12th 2021
#NP Prince — The Beautiful Ones
“Baby, baby, baby
Can't you stay with me tonight?
Oh baby, baby, baby
Don't my kisses please you right?”

Live in Atlanta on the Purple Rain Tour - 1985
That One Time #Prince Attempted To Run #MichaelJackson Over With His Car...

(BET) — “The rivalry between Prince and Michael Jackson has long been a poignant aspect of their legacies even after their deaths.”….
As legend would have it, and the footage from that night would prove, the superstar face-off was triumphant for Michael Jackson and a rare humiliation for Prince.

But, what most aren't familiar with is what occurred after the fanfare.

Read 4 tweets
Dec 8th 2021
1/3 - For those of you who cannot get enough of updated Reg @MJtheMusical, here are some notes inside the complimentary programme for you to read #MJtheMusical #MichaelJackson 🤴🏾 🎶 💃🏾 🕺🏾
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Dec 5th 2021
Hey #MJFAM, I just want to say that I had the absolute privilege of getting to see the very first full performance of the #MJtheMusical in NYC on Sat Dec 4th for the scheduled dress rehearsal before opening for previews on Mon Dec 6th. I know so many of you are beyond excited…
…to learn about every single detail of the play & whilst I would love nothing more than to share that with you, I just feel that it wouldn’t be right & I do not want to spoil the overall magic for those not wanting to know or for the artists & crew who have worked so hard…
…to keep it all a big secret. Initially, when I learnt this whole event was going to be a thing, I thought to myself, how on earth are the writers & creators going to encapsulate everything that #MichaelJackson was about to an world audience already so saturated by the…
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Nov 24th 2021
Anton Furst was a cinematic visionary.

Thirty years ago today, the production designer tragically took his own life at the age of 47.

He’s one of my greatest influences, so I thought I’d write a brief history about him alongside some photos, drawings, and interview excerpts. Image
His production design for Tim Burton's Gotham City made an early and indelible impact on me.

"It was as if hell had erupted through the pavements and kept growing."
– Anton Furst Image
As a 10-year-old sitting in a suburban cinema, #Batman89 was my first introduction to the dark beauty of gothic, futurist, and brutalist architecture. Gotham was scarier than the Joker, more mysterious than Bruce Wayne, and more beguiling than Vicki Vale. I wanted to live there. Image
Read 39 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
Tal día como hoy ( en el año 2003 ) y tras el allanamiento de la policía gracias a la orden solicitada por el fiscal Thomas W. Sneddon, Michael Jackson hizo la siguiente declaración:
" He visto abogados que no me representan y portavoces que no me conocen hablando por mí. Estos personajes siempre parecen surgir con horribles acusaciones al igual que otro proyecto, un álbum, un video que se está lanzando ".
Tom Sneddon " casualmente " elige este día específico para atacar a Neverland con una orden de allanamiento acompañada de 7 miembros del Sherriff del condado de Santa Bárbara.
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Jan 13th 2021
@mrdiscopop I appreciate some of your unbiased BBC articles about #MichaelJackson but it would be great if you could report on the fallacy that he paid the first accuser off. This is not what actually happened. #mjinnocent #squareone ⬇️
So much of what people wrongly believe about Michael Jackson is based on the lie that he paid them to keep them quiet. Most people do not have the decency to check basic facts. Firstly, if he wanted their silence, he would pay before it got to court. ⬇️
The accusers filed a civil lawsuit before a criminal one because they wanted money not justice. His criminal case would have been compromised had he not settled the civil lawsuit. For this reason, it is no longer possible to have a civil lawsuit before criminal one. ⬇️
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Jan 11th 2021
Considering David O Russell's infamous history of bullying his people on sets and being abusive (I Heart Huckabees videos), I think the man should take care of his mess before attacking a man like MJ who has better manners than him. #MichaelJackson #MJ2021
I know George Clooney hated working with O Russell and even got into a fight with him during the filming of Three Kings. Even people like Robin Williams pulled vile jokes on MJ, and regarding Williams, Jermaine Jackson met him at a premiere & berated him.
Though I know there are people like Prince who were friends with MJ and did friendly pranks on him, there were others who just exploited bashing culture on Michael Jackson because it was what sold cash. Very rotten way to make a living.
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Nov 2nd 2020
#MJFam #MJInnocent #SquareOneMJ #1993ChandlerCase #Facts
#DianeDimond has made a career out of lying on #MichaelJackson. The 1993 settlement with the Chandlers being one of the main ones.
Here is why #DianeDimond is lying⤵️
#DianeDimond has always claimed that Michael Jackson paid $15,331,250 to Jordan plus a $2million signing bonus, $1.5million for June, $1.5million for Evan & between $3 & $5million ⤵️
for Larry Feldman, depending on what version you go with!

Diane also confirmed via her source that no payments were made prior to the settlement being signed, therefor all the payments Michael Jackson made (Evan, June, Jordan & Larry) were all listed in the settlement.
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Sep 9th 2020
#Hilo🧵 #DonaldTrump fue postulado al #NobeldelaPaz por su apoyo al acuerdo entre Israel y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, en una historia disparatada, pero no tanto cuando resulta que dictadores y políticos corruptos también fueron postulados.

Aquí un recuento de ellos. ⬇️ ⬇️ Image
😅En 1939, el parlamentario sueco Erik Brandt, un conocido antifacista, se le ocurrió postular a #AdolfHitler al premio. En la carta de postulación, plagada de sarcasmo, describió el amor de Hitler por la paz. Obvio fue descartada, pero quedó constancia del registro. Image
👀Otro despropósito ocurrió en 1935. Un grupo de académicos alemanes no tuvieron empacho en afirmar que el mejor candidato para el Nobel de la Paz era #BenitoMussolini que ya gobernaba a Italia con mano dura y se aprestaba a invadir Etiopía. Image
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Sep 5th 2020
🥳Seguimos celebrando el cumpleaños de #FreddieMercury, aquí tienen los mejores crossovers del el cantante de #Queen, con otras celebridades.

⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

1️⃣(1974) Con la actriz #JeannetteCharles, personificando a la Reina Isabelle II. El día que 'la Queen' conoció a Queen. 🤪 Image
2️⃣(1980) Con su gran amigo #EltonJohn, quien interpretó 'Bohemian Rhapsody' y 'The Show Must Go On' en el concierto homenaje que le hicieron a Mercury, cinco meses después de su muerte. Image
3️⃣(1980) Con el artista plástico #AndyWarhol, en Nueva York, después de que Warhol le tomara una foto a Mercury. ¿Dónde habrá quedado esa foto? Image
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Aug 29th 2020
El 29 agosto 1958 nacía el Rey del Pop, Michael Jackson, el artista más famoso y exitoso de la historia. El 97,8% del planeta le conoce.

Ha vendido 1000 millones de discos

Estos son sus récords!!

Impactante, brutal, espectacular... no de este mundo.

Es #MichaelJackson 👇
Es el artista más premiado de la historia:

23 Guinness World Records, 40 Billboard Awards, 13 Grammys, 26 American Music Awards

Artista de la Década

Artista del Siglo

Artista del Milenio

Artista más joven en ganar un premio Billboard

1er álbum en llegar Nº1 de las listas
de éxitos en EEUU y Reino Unido al mismo tiempo x Thriller

1ª canción en llegar al Nº1 de las listas Billboard de rock y R&B al mismo tiempo x Billy Jean

Mayor nº premios y nominaciones conseguidas x un grupo o artista en 1 solo año (+50)

1er y único álbum de la historia q
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Aug 13th 2020
Great article by Joe Vogel, about the turning point in Pop music at the beginning of the '90s and #MichaelJackson's Dangerous album.…
"[...] 20 years later, Dangerous is gaining admirers as more people move beyond the extraneous nonsense that was so prominent in contemporaneous reviews and pay attention to its content: its prescient themes, its vast inventory of sounds, its panoramic survey of musical styles."
"The bottom line is this: If indeed it is considered a pop album, Dangerous redefined the parameters of pop. How else to explain an album that mixes R&B, funk, gospel, hip-hop, rock, industrial, and classical; an album that introduces one song ("Will You Be There") with
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Jul 21st 2020
I know noone's probably gonna see this, since this is my first tweet ever but I've been a #MichaelJackson fan for about five years now and I know I'm late to the party but I am just so fed up with all these fabricated lies being spread about him, not just online
but even in my personal life, whenever it comes up in conversation that I am a Michael Jackson fan, people immediatly confront me with "but he bleached his skin", "but he was a weirdo" and the most infuriating of them all "but he was a pedophile" and I'm so glad to see that
the tide is finally turning and after watching #SquareOne for the second time today I just had this urge to finally insert myself in the conversation and just be able to get some things off my chest because I am honestly tired of all this BS
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Jun 25th 2020
#Hilo 🧵A 11 años de la muerte de #MichaelJackson, su legado musical se ha visto eclipsado por las revelaciones en torno a los abusos cometidos contra menores de edad. Recordamos su carrera musical, sus escándalos y las terribles historias ocurridas en su Rancho Neverland.👇 Image
🎶🎙️La vida musical de #MichaelJackson se inicia en la década de los sesenta como parte del grupo familiar de los 'Jackson Five' que era dirigido con mano dura por el padre de la familia. Para el recuerdo, 10 discos plagados de 'soul', 'funk' y vertiginosas coreografías. Image
💽 El inicio de los setenta, marcó la independencia de Michael Jackson y la "consagración" vendría en 1982 con el disco 'Thriller' y del cual se tienen contabilizadas ventas por 65 millones de copias. Image
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Jun 25th 2020
#MichaelJackson built an earlier version of his (in)famous train station in 1992.

These two photos are not before and after; they are two different buildings - Station 1 and Station 2.

Here's the proof. (1/6)

#MJGuilty ImageImage

These photos are from 25 August 93.

Random floral clock, stairs to nowhere. An empty space where the station should be. Rails hidden under tons of gravel. A wall of soil where the retaining wall used to be.

Station 1 was demolished (likely in July 93).

(2/6) ImageImage

The hedges grew bigger over time. Hedges in the Station 1 construction picture are smaller than the hedges in Aug 93 photo (no station). The floral clock pattern matches the Aug 93 photo.

Station 2 (bottom two photos) had a different floral clock design.

(3/6) Image
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Jun 22nd 2020
Pellicano contradicts the sodium amytal story told by Marie Fischer

Credit : u/unhearme

#SquareOneMJ #LeavingNeverland #MichaelJacksonVindicated #MJFam #MichaelJackson

Ironically, the person who best refutes Fischer's drug fairytale is none other than Anthony Pellicano. In December of 1993 Pellicano described Jordie's behavior at the August 4 Westwood Marquis meeting as follows: 1/
The father began to read the psychiatrists letter, which cited the criminal statutes that applied to child abuse. "Jordie was looking down," [Pellicano said] "and he pops his head up and looks at Michael like, 'I didn't say that.'" 2/
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