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Sep 9th 2021
#RUOKDay is a useful reminder about how tough help-seeking can be and the role we can all play to reduce barriers to seeking help. Anything from starting a conversation to advocating for more affordable and more widely available services. Look after your mental health by seeking help. Image of a ph
In the lead-up to #WMHD2021, it is important to recognise that many people experiencing distress do not access treatment.… Illustration of a person walking with a suitcase. 54% of peo
One barrier is sheer lack of access. As this ABC report shows, “your postcode can influence whether you need help — and if you’ll get it.” There are huge disparities in the availability of services across the continent.… Illustration of a book and pair of glasses. Ways to improve
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Sep 11th 2019
So before any dress up day at school, we take photos. My favourite thing about the last three is all of us messing around, and Grace just holding her perfect selfie angle. Today is @ruokday and our school is wearing yellow and I'm cooking a sausage sizzle for #RUOKDay2019
As you know, I'm on the Governing Council and the Fundraising committees at our school. When we were planning events for the year, I said I wanted to do an #RUOK day barbecue. I want to raise awareness and funds for a "conversation corner". A little bench kids can go and chat.
I organised a couple of @ruokday educational packs (free, and got them sent to our school!) And all this week teachers have been doing activities with the kids on how to be a good friend and to check in with each other.
Read 14 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
Imagine an experiment. You take a healthy person and put them in a bed. You tell them they’re not allowed to sit or stand up, at all. If they do, the next day they will be strapped to electrocution devices to stimulate pain, and keep awake long past exhaustion without knowing—
when they’ll be allowed to sleep. They will also have to cancel/ miss out on any activities they had scheduled for the next five days. They’re not allowed to move around too much, if they do, the above applies: Electrocution and sleep deprivation for an indefinite amount of time.
I wonder what they’d do, how they’d feel.
Read 12 tweets

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