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Nov 12th 2020
All eyes be on Raya !!!!
Attention Attention Attention !!!!

#TPLF completes preparations for genocide against #Raya people in #RAYA_ALAMATA front. It is expected to happen from tonight from November 13 to 15. A similar to the #Maikadera massacre is underway.
1) No Tigrayan national is currently in Raya Alamata.The last passengers were given 10,000 birr per person per day and left in big trucks to Tigray today.They were threatened to leave the city immediately & serious warnings given as to how to dismantle the city into barren land.
2) More than 600 Raya youths, investors and prominent elders were held prisoner at #Raya_Alamata Rural and Urban Woreda two police stations. It is said that there are many youths from Kidane, Garbe and 03 kebele among the prisoners. Other 50 militia men disarmed & imprisoned.
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