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Oct 29th 2019
🗣️"How is it social housing if I can't survive on a teaching assistant salary?"

Today #ReclaimTheAgenda is highlighting #precariousness in working class & BME/migrant communities.

For example in our 78 research interviews most people were in work but struggled to make ends meet
Housing #precariousness is also a major worry, with many waiting indefinitely to secure decent living conditions.

On top of employment and housing insecurity, public service cuts and #austerity have eroded the safety net.

We Are Ghosts (2019) report 👉🏾
@CLASSthinktank Runnymede & @CLASSthinktank's report We Are Ghosts (2019) found that public sector workers are demoralised by severe cuts.

Often they have workplans and targets that fail to centre the dignity of service users.


We Are Ghosts 👉🏾
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