Runnymede Trust Profile picture
For racial justice.
Mrs FRH Richards Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 7 6 tweets 1 min read
The post-election demonisation of Muslim communities represents an active escalation of Islamophobic rhetoric that serves to 'other' these communities and treats UK democracy as a playground for racist politics 🧵 This reveals the double standard in which Muslim people are exhorted to embrace supposedly 'British values', but when they avail themselves of those social goods, such as exercising their democratic rights, they are vilified as vandals of that very system.
Jun 22, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
This #RightsRemovalBill is as bad as we feared. It is a power grab from a Government who want to avoid scrutiny for cruel and racist policies 🧵 This must be seen alongside the Borders Bill, Policing Bill and Elections Bill.

Combined, ethnic minority people in the UK are facing the most significant threat to their civil rights in recent memory.…
May 10, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
The plan to scrap the Human Rights Act in the #QueensSpeech & introduce a new Bill of Rights will undermine the rights of Black and ethnic minority groups. Here’s why 🧵 Proposals include the introduction of a ‘permission stage’ in bringing a human rights case to court👇

If an ethnic minority person has been discriminated against by a local authority, they would first have to show they have faced a ‘significant disadvantage’ to bring a case
Mar 16, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
In the last 24 hours, 3 horrendous cases of institutional racism have come to light 🧵 A young Black schoolgirl, #ChildQ, was taken out of an exam to be strip searched - without any adult supervision from her guardians - on suspicion of possessing cannabis, which she did not.

She was then sent back into her exam, traumatised and shaken.…
Jan 14, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
While we are embroiled in Downing Street parties, ethnic minority people across the UK are facing one of the most significant threats to their civil rights in recent memory.

An onslaught of legislation is in parliament this month, here's what you need to know 🧵 Today, MPs are debating the Elections Bill, which would make it mandatory to show photo ID when casting a vote at local and national elections.

This would disenfranchise millions of voters, in attempt to solve an electoral fraud problem which doesn't exist.
Dec 7, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
As the #BordersBill is scrutinised in parliament today, here's what you need to know about its potential impact on ethnic minority Britons 🧵👇 Between 2006 and 2014, powers to strip citizenship were used 27 times. In 2017 alone, its use rose dramatically to 104 times

Last month, a new clause was snuck into the #BordersBill, which would grant the power to deprive a person’s citizenship without them even being told
Oct 22, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
1. On Monday we published new research with @IPPR on ethnic disparities in Covid which found that 58,000 additional people would have died if white communities faced the same level of risk as Black communities

Here's a quick thread on how and why we made that calculation 2. In the House of Commons today Minister for Equalities @KemiBadenoch said that she does “not recognise those figures. Its methodology was not transparent, and our statisticians in the Cabinet Office could not understand where it got the numbers from”

We reject this conclusion
Oct 22, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The new government report released today on #Covid19UK and #ethnicity does little to to *actually* help vulnerable BME communities and stem race still being a social determinant of health. In our report with @IPPR we found that:
- Underlying health conditions NOT important /1 - 58,000 extra deaths if white population faced same risk factors as black population i.e occupational and socio-economic
- Main factors unequal social conditions (i.e occupation and housing), unequal access to healthcare, and structural/ institutional racism that underpins them
Oct 21, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Books create belonging. They help us see each other, and understand one another. That's why every young person should have the chance to study books reflecting the racial diversity of UK society. This is how we want to contribute to that vision. #LitInColour (1/4) We’re excited to join forces with @PenguinUKBooks to commission major new research, as well as the Black Writers’ Guild, @TeachFirst, @LiteracyTrust and partner schools. Change happens when we work together. We add our voices to a movement built over years, by many. (2/4)
Oct 19, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
🚨 A NEW report by the Runnymede Trust and @IPPR has shone a light on the disproportionate deaths for certain #BME communities relating to #COVID19 🚨 Following on will be a thread with some of the findings ⚠️ /1… - Once again Covid-19 is running along racial lines.Despite the inequalities exposed earlier this year, there has been little effort to stop Covid-19 hitting minority ethnic communities hardest as we enter the second wave. /2
Oct 19, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
Conversations about the 'left-behind white working class' have made a return to the political scene in recent weeks. Below is a thread about Runnymede's recent work in this area and how pitting 'race' and class against one another serves nobody well /1 It is worth noting that this is not a race row and pitting children from different ethnic backgrounds against each other is highly damaging with regards to social cohesion, it ignores the large achievement gap among White British children from different socio-economic backgrounds
Oct 29, 2019 4 tweets 5 min read
🗣️"How is it social housing if I can't survive on a teaching assistant salary?"

Today #ReclaimTheAgenda is highlighting #precariousness in working class & BME/migrant communities.

For example in our 78 research interviews most people were in work but struggled to make ends meet Housing #precariousness is also a major worry, with many waiting indefinitely to secure decent living conditions.

On top of employment and housing insecurity, public service cuts and #austerity have eroded the safety net.

We Are Ghosts (2019) report 👉🏾
Jul 10, 2019 18 tweets 16 min read
We're about to begin the event for Runnymede's & @CLASSthinktank report, 'We Are Ghosts - Race, Class and Institutional Prejudice' with speakers @faizashaheen @omaromalleykhan, @johnharris1969 @SamiaBadani and Laurie Mompelat

We're live-tweeting using #RaceAndClass .@faizashaheen opens the event talking about the stereotype of the working class, as the white and northern, leading to the erasure of long-standing BME working class groups.

It's created division, that we need to overcome and move the narrative forward

Jul 4, 2019 19 tweets 12 min read
Our event with @ERC_TIDE at @UKParliament, 'Teaching Migration, Empire and Belonging' is getting underway shortly.

We'll be live-tweeting using #TeachingMigration Chair, @DawnButlerBrent (Shadow Women & Equalities Secretary) opens proceedings.

She says teaching migration, empire and belonging in secondary schools is the right thing to do. She highlights Windrush as an example of why it's vital
