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Jan 26th 2023
IrkallaTV ep02.the Rescue Industry Clowncar, Tate arrest, Eliza Bleu Scandal
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IrkallaTV ep02.the Rescue Industry Clowncar
I trash talk Operation Underground Railroad, and
explain rescue industry shaming as a "protect kittens petition"
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More outlining why operation underground Railroad is insufferable and full of absolutely incompetent chowderheads. IrkallaTV ep02.the Rescue Industry Clowncar, Tate arrest, Eliza Bleu Scandal
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May 11th 2018
How many times will media outlets print this story? "Few convictions for #sextrafficking & forced labour... because most victims do not report it. Unfortunately, people often don't feel they are victims, for them it's a form of work." Unfortunately!
The story's the same no matter what countries migrants leave from or arrive to. They feel they've got work, even if it's worse than what they hoped for. They're making more than they could've. All outsiders' trying to get them to feel like victims to be 'sent home': Waste of Time
What do police & #RescueIndustry achieve? Few convictions because so-called victims won't cooperate. T'would be better to admit defeat and announce drastic deportation policy: 'We're getting rid of migrants we don't want'. But wait, then they couldn't feel good about Rescues.
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