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Jun 16th 2022

ยฃ20m global research project into next generation T-cell therapies to target solid tumours in children, including #Rhabdomyosarcoma & brain tumours

We are proud that Scott - Ben's Dad - is a patient representative on this globally significant research project /1
This project is funded through the @CancerGrand Challenge programme, organised by @CR_UK and @theNCI National Cancer (USA)

Scott has worked with the research team since April 2021, helping provide a patient view on their research plans and the funding application... /2
And it has all paid off because the project has been successfully funded!

The "NexTGen" project will now spend the next 3 years developing T-cell therapies in the labs and, crucially, working right through to trialling them in actual clinical trials with children... /3
Read 7 tweets
Oct 1st 2019

Today is #October1st - #ChildhoodCancerAwarenessMonth is 'over', but if only it were the actual end of childhood cancer too...

We wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped spread awareness in some way this month /1
Whether you've painted a stone, decorated your front door or shop window, put gold flowers in your garden, bought & worn a gold ribbon, shared a social media post, changed your profile picture, worn gold, made a donation or had a conversation about #childhoodcancer, thank you /2
Whether you ran in gold for @Coventryparkrun, took part in the treasure hunt, or were part of the minutes applause for Ben at @covblazehockey, @CoventryRugby or at the Juniors Crown Green Bowling match, we thank you /3

Read 5 tweets

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