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Apr 6th 2019
1) #SGFreport #SGF #SAFreport $TSLAQ Pics coming. MAJOR find! Not as big as @Latrilife's report but still significant. Back story. I travel in the SE, GA, SC, and mostly FL. Ive checked the new Tampa Service Center before, but had nothing to report. Mainly empty.
2). With the Calgary SC closing, it got me wondering about the Tampa SC. I've been to the Tampa Galleria location (mall) but its been a while since I visited the Tampa SC. December was the last time. The place is YUGE. 30K sq feet, with 8K built out for offices. 384 parking sp
3). The place is surrounded by 6-8 foot chain link fence. Here is a picture of when Tesla took the space and before the buildout so at least you know what you are looking at. There is a side road to the rt of the parking deck, but the deck has tinted windows
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