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Nov 28th 2018
NBA: you have 72 hours to convert a new app user into a retained customer, and 10 days to cement this.
NBA: Need to build fans of the future - engage younger audiences and kids to build long term brand #SPOTT18
NBA: readying Europe for microtransactions to allow people to dip in/out
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Nov 28th 2018
Guy-Lo at UEFA - hopefully new OTT players generate new competition. New players don't change the way UEFA sells, but does change what is sold - need to adapt the content and service to suit exploitation instead #SPOTT18
Sky Deutschland worried about fragmentation of rights - and what that means for consumers and the prices they have to pay, and the experience (and whether that influences whether they pay anything at all) #spott18
IOC also suggesting that the fragmentation and costs will change for consumers - but the consumer will decide on the extent to which they want to pay. Not necessarily as worried as Sky D - more sees it as a shift to a more transactional relationship between consumers and mediacos
Read 7 tweets
Nov 28th 2018
Sky saying that sports viewing on linear is up @SportsProEvents #SPOTT18 - echoing comments from NBC that online sports video is broadly additive to the mix
Next stage of NowTV in UK is to add sports passes that mirror the new themed Sky Sports channels
Change to sports packaging has boosted Sky Sports subscribers - alongside admission that prior to this, subs were on a downward trajectory #SPOTT18
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