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#SPSP2022 In collaboration with @TEDTalks "mystery experiment", @DunnHappyLab studied the effects of giving $10,000 to 200 people to spend however they wanted (plus 100 in no-$ control condition). Really striking findings!! 1/n
Money does buy happiness (even 3 months after the money has been spent)! #SPSP2022 2/n
Red bars = how much life satisfaction $2 mil would have provided a millionaire couple; Blue bars = life satisfaction gains from redistributing that to 200 people ($10,000 each). Love this visualization/effect size quantification!! #SPSP2022 3/n
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Out today: Our research in @PsychScience shows that daily smartphone use is both consistent over time and unique to an individual when studying 28,692 days of logged app usage from 780 people. A 🧵…
We found that people exhibited consistent patterns in their application usage behaviours on a day-to-day basis E.g., always using Facebook the most and the calculator app the least each day.
We also found that daily smartphone use is unique to the individual, and can therefore identify them from a crowd. Watch this video to learn about this further:…
Read 17 tweets
1. Science often contradicts other science. When this happens, disputant scholars tend to work separately, designing their own new studies to launch at their opponents. These new studies rarely persuade the other side, and contradictory claims live in on for years or decades.
2. On rare occasions, scholars swallow their pride and put their theories at real risk by working with their intellectual opponents. These are called Adversarial Collaborations (term coined by Danny Kahneman), and @PTetlock and I have been working hard to normalize them.
3. In two weeks, we will be presenting preliminary results of three of our adversarial collaborations (ACs) at #SPSP2022. All of our data collections are still underway, so we have no idea how the results will turn out. Care to predict the findings?
Read 10 tweets

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