1. Science often contradicts other science. When this happens, disputant scholars tend to work separately, designing their own new studies to launch at their opponents. These new studies rarely persuade the other side, and contradictory claims live in on for years or decades.
2. On rare occasions, scholars swallow their pride and put their theories at real risk by working with their intellectual opponents. These are called Adversarial Collaborations (term coined by Danny Kahneman), and @PTetlock and I have been working hard to normalize them.
3. In two weeks, we will be presenting preliminary results of three of our adversarial collaborations (ACs) at #SPSP2022. All of our data collections are still underway, so we have no idea how the results will turn out. Care to predict the findings?
4. W/@jayvanbavel, Jarret Crawford & @Louiseyzi, we are testing for political bias in the published psychology literature. Will we find evidence that liberal friendly research findings are held to lower standards and cited more than less lib-friendly findings?
5. W/@JonHaidt, @DG_Rand, @GordPennycook, Pete Ditto & @daniel_relihan, we are testing for socially motivated reasoning. Will we find that people evaluate information more negatively when it supports socially undesirable empirical statements vs. more neutral statements?
6. W/@tomstello_, @vlasceanu_mada, JW van Prooijen, Luke Conway & Danny Osborne, we are testing whether the political right is more cognitively rigid than the left. Will we find that cons update their beliefs less than libs when new information contradicts their beliefs?
7. If you are attending #SPSP2022, you can complete the polls on Whova by clicking 'Resources'-->'Polls'. And you can see what we found by attending our session on Friday (the 18th) at 8am: Keep Your Enemies Close: Adversarial Collaborations Will Improve Science.
8. ACs are challenging--the research process is carried out far more meticulously when you are working with people who want/expect to find opposing results. But they all have proceeded very harmoniously, and I am hopeful we will make real progress on formerly intractable debates.
9. Read more about why scholars who have empirical disagreements with other scholars should be participating in ACs regularly: researchgate.net/publication/35…
1. In my new chapter w/@natehoneycutt & @PsychRabble, we argue that scientists might actually be humans. And that as humans, scientists might be vulnerable to the same kinds of errors, biases, & motivations that they so often study in non-scientist humans: researchgate.net/publication/34…
2. We suggest that scientists might occasionally engage in motivated research: Their own human desires might influence how they familiarize themselves with data, collect and analyze observations, draw and describe conclusions, and evaluate their peers' research.
3. Of the sciences, the social sciences might be *most* vulnerable to motivated research: Messy/ambiguous data environment + human and moral concerns.
1. A sneak peak at yet unpublished meta-analyses on whether there is gender bias in academic science in six domains: letters of recommendation, tenure-track hiring, journal acceptances, grant funding, salary, and teaching ratings:
2. In teaching evaluations, female instructors are rated lower than male instructors by both male and female students. So some evidence of gender bias there (although it would be helpful to know whether this finding holds up when gender is experimentally manipulated).
3. The 18% gender salary gap shrinks to 4% controlling for type of institution, discipline, and years of experience. This 4% does not control for the fact that men publish more, so the apples to apples gap might be smaller than that.
1. Here's a New Year's Resolution: More tolerance toward political opponents🥳
Dems and Reps tend to caricature one another (see example below from perceptiongap.us)
Our opponents really are not as extreme, homogeneous, or morally inferior as people tend to think.
2. These caricatures or 'perception gaps' are lowest among more moderate people and increase as people are more politically extreme. Which suggests that people who have more accurate views of the political landscape tend not to be extremists.
3. Most media consumption is associated with worse perception gaps. The exceptions being some good old fashioned ABC, NBC, & CBS.