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Jan 12th 2019
1/10 My good Professor, let us shame the devil by telling the truth. Given the gravity of the matter at hand, it's fair & in the public interest to answer your question with reference to its surrounding circumstances & factual background in order to tell a COMPLETE narrative!
2/10 The #ZanuPF poll group I adumburated on the thread I tweeted here on 10 January 2019 extensively ENGAGED YOU Prof; on its strategy to END #SadcZim mediation ahead of the 2013 election, and to SET THE ELECTION DATE through a ConCourt process, outside GPA negotiations!
3/10 It was out of its engagement with you that the #ZanuPF 2013 poll group got you, @CharityManyeruk & me accredited for the June 2013 #Sadc summit in Maputo. That accreditation was done in advance of the summit by submitting names & passport details to the #Sadc secretariat!
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