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Jul 13th 2022
THREAD Thank you @nmdacosta. We too were surprised to hear this. We all remember her dismal performance on the @MumsnetTowers where she refused to answer urgent questions on child #safeguarding. The only thing worse than Penny’s performance was when @NSPCC refused to show up.
Here are some of the questions we’ve been waiting since 2019 for @PennyMordaunt to answer:

1) Could you tell us more about [the enquiry into the rise in young girls experiencing gender dysphoria] and when the findings are likely to be released?  Three years later we do have…
the interim @thecassreview, but we don’t believe this is any thanks to Penny. The harm we read about, daily in our inbox continues to be devastating. #safeguardingfail #policyfail…
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