Safe Schools Alliance Profile picture
Working with educators to ensure the safeguarding of all students in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 – offering unbiased evidence-based guidance & support
6 subscribers
Jan 7 7 tweets 4 min read
*** Mandatory reporting ***

Mandatory reporting is absolutely not use if ALL professionals (& the public) are not educated as to what actually is abuse & #CSA.

As we have been saying for a long time there are serious systemic #safeguarding failures in this country.

There is a widespread lack of understanding with regards to what safeguarding actually is & how it should be implemented.

We support the victims & whistleblowers in their assertion that previous inquiries have been insufficient & that there is the need for a comprehensive inquiry into the rape gangs #GroomingGangs which it would appear needs to go back to the 70’s or even 60’s.

If the Prime Minister @Keir_Starmer thinks that everyone who is concerned about this issue is ‘far right’ he has an insufficient understanding of #safeguarding & silencing techniques used & is ill equipped to tackle this issue. He will end up participating further in a cover up. Every single person who has tried to raise this issue over the past several decades has been ignored. That includes the Sikh community, feminists, @UKLabour MP’s, @Conservatives MP’s, parents, the far right, the Muslim community & most abhorrently of all the victims themselves.

The victims have been failed again & again & again, including by the people who have claimed to help them & instead have manipulated them for their own ends. Victims have said that #RSE that helped them recognise #grooming & know where to turn for help would’ve been useful to them. Instead of providing future generations of children with this, this has been cynically exploited by ‘sex positive’ grifters who have flooded schools with inappropriate materials & website links that groomed instead of helped vulnerable children & exposed them to inappropriate content & further sexualised them. Of course the same tired silencing techniques of yelling ‘far right’ & making libellous allegations that people were trying to ‘ban sex education’ were deployed against the #Whistleblowers of this further scandal.

A specific inquiry on rape gangs (held in public with statutory powers) is not the only #PublicInquiry needed. Other incredibly serious safeguarding failures are ongoing due to the same cultural problems & lack of understanding of safeguarding.

We have failed, as a society to protect children, especially the most vulnerable & this must now be addressed.…


#Edutwitter #RestoreSafeguarding We have been calling out #Safeguarding failures for years & will continue to do so.

We recently met with @educationgovuk

#RestoreSafeguarding #WomenEd #Edutwitter…
Jul 15, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
*** New Post ***

On @BrookCharity & their ill advised plans to use “masturbation as a tool for sex education in #RSE.

A #PublicInquiry is required into why so many adults failed in their #safeguarding responsibilities to call out harmful materials.… . @BrookCharity was one of 100 organisations to sign a letter objecting to @Conservatives & @educationgovuk attempts to safeguard children from their damaging & dangerous #RSE resources. We have previously raised concerns about many of the signatories.
Nov 11, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
‘ “My recommendation as @ChildrensComm is that we need a #SafeguardingFirst approach to #RSHE & that is the way through this current impasse that seems to be in place because of very polarised views to how sex education should be taught.’

We are pleased to see @Rachel_deSouza finally agree with us. We have been advocating for the importance of safeguarding first #RSE for a very long time, perhaps now she will meet with us to discuss this? #Edutwitter #WomenEd
. @Rachel_deSouza says “I cannot see that anybody would think that children shouldn’t be taught the basics of sex education & how to keep themselves safe.” Nor can we Rachel, with the caveat that #safeguarding is an adult responsibility that should never be abdicated to children.
May 23, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read

Joshua Sutcliffe: We have seen many of you supporting Mr Sutcliffe.
We absolutely do not.
Here is why:
We apply #safeguarding to everyone, equally. ‘Misgendering’ is not the main issue here.
#Edutwitter #SafeguardingFail #LGBT #PSHEPeeps… We agree with family law barrister @SVPhillimore. Breaching a child’s confidentiality on TV is unacceptable. We would like to read the judgement in full, but if that would also expose an individual child, it should not be published. We always prioritise #safeguarding children.
Apr 30, 2023 18 tweets 15 min read
*** New Report ***

We have sent this independent report to press, peers, think tanks, @victor_madrigal at @UN & @Commonswomequ. We encourage you to read & send to your own schools, MPs & local safeguarding boards. We warn you it’s a difficult read. #SafeguardingFail #PolicyFail Quote for press is: Tanya Carter Spokeswoman for Safe Schools Alliance said “This alarming, but sadly unsurprising, research sets out how long-established child safeguarding principles are being effectively dismantled. This leaves all children at risk…
Mar 14, 2023 105 tweets 106 min read
Thread for ‘but is this happening in schools’ #Edutwitter. Yes it is. Firstly personal testimony: “the school nurse had referred her to the school counsellor [who] informed [her] that a hatred of one’s breasts could be an indicator of a non-binary”… More testimony: “I am utterly horrified at what was taught at a PSHE lesson at my school recently. It was to a group of children, most are 11-12 years old. It is so, so much worse than I thought.” #Edutwitter #DiverseEd #LGBT…
Mar 12, 2023 4 tweets 6 min read
. @BrookCharity is one of the providers we frequently hear complaints about from both parents & teachers. Advising children to watch porn is not what they were expecting from #RSE. They want children taught about harms & how to have a healthy relationships as adults. #edutwitter ImageImage To be clear what people are taking issue with, is not porn being discussed with teenagers, it is the seeming to recommend it, rather than educating on the inherent harms & exploitation. #edutwitter #WomenEd #PSHEPeeps @Miss_Snuffy @CEASEorgUK @RealGeoffBarton @BrookCharity ImageImageImage
Mar 10, 2023 10 tweets 7 min read
Welcome to all our new followers! We have just passed 18k. Please look round our website to find out more about us. We are a grassroots group of mainly parents & teachers with no funding, religious or political affiliations. #Edutwitter #Safeguarding We first got together 4 years ago when we joined together over a passionate commitment to upholding #safeguarding & correct interpretation of the equality act in our schools. Worryingly our first campaign featured a @NSPCC #safeguardingfail…
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
And yet when we have reported schools to @Ofstednews & @amanda_spielman for #safeguarding failures around #RSE materials they have signed them off again as ‘good’. Far too many people have an extremely poor understanding of child protection. #Edutwitter… An example of #safeguarding failures @Ofstednews has excused. Promoting breast binding to girls as young as 11 & directing them to websites for adult men where you can get free fisting gloves.…
Mar 7, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Following on from our previous blog on
@school_sexed we have reviewed a book they wanted to get into every single secondary school in the country. Suffice to say, it's another huge #safeguarding fail. #edutwitter #EnoughIsEnough @GillianKeegan @RishiSunak… It is steeped in ideological language, it sexualises children, talks inaccuratly about biology, & does not talk about the dangers & reality of porn. It gives an introduction to polyamory and an uncritical mention of surrogacy - we would say it is written by activists not experts.
Jan 27, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
We are struggling to find the words for the despicable lack of #safeguarding these girls were subjected to. It is appalling that their boundaries were so eroded that they accepted this man, this rapist, in their class. What have we done to girls that they…… accept being told to strip in front of a man as part of a college course? This is widespread societal grooming that anybody has accepted any of this, ever. Did anybody at the college attend their #safeguarding training? Why were they not able to apply it to a real life situation?
Jan 18, 2023 20 tweets 6 min read
“‘Esme had been dressing differently for months, no longer wearing the skirts or dresses she’d loved when she was younger and was instead wearing baggy hoodies and jeans. She’d chopped off her long hair into a short crop.”… “‘But I’d also discovered she was ordering chest binders (which flatten the breasts) and I was worried she’d hurt herself.
‘I’d read up on gender identity and reassured her she could be as gender non-conforming as she wanted, but I wasn’t going to let her harm her body.”
Jan 17, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
16 year olds are CHILDREN @GillianKeegan, this means they are entitled to #safeguarding. Safeguarding is a collective responsibility that we all share, why are you shirking yours. Even @Keir_Starmer who doesn’t understand that only women have a cervix, knows that 16 is a child. This is just the latest episode in @GillianKeegan shirking responsibilities. She needs to resign now. We cannot have an education Secretary that doesn’t understand #safeguarding & doesn’t understand that 16 year olds are children.…
Jan 12, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
Interesting thread from @Headteacherchat. We would say the greatest #safeguarding concern for schools at the moment is the sheer volume of children needing help. We seem to be witnessing our safeguarding frameworks failing on a national level. In our opinion both @educationgovuk & @Ofstednews have an insufficient understanding of child protection to enable them to effectively safeguard the nations children. There seems to be no oversight & no accountability from anyone. This includes @ChildrensComm. @UKParliament is in complete dereliction of duty
Jan 6, 2023 10 tweets 7 min read
Since the schools have gone back the inbox is filling up faster than we can answer with political propaganda, #safeguarding failure’s & misinformation being taught at fact. The rainbow flag award features heavily, look out for it in schools particularly around Cambs & Manchester. ImageImageImage Let’s take a look at this propaganda masquerading as a resource for KS4 (children aged 14-16). It starts off by claiming it’s required curriculum, but quickly launches into highly contentious political activism. ImageImage
Oct 28, 2022 6 tweets 7 min read
Welcome to all our new followers, lovely to meet so many of you @FiLiA_charity conference. We handed out hundreds of leaflets, this is only made possible by donations from supporters - we receive no funding #edutwitter #WomenEd #RSE #Safeguarding #FILIA22 You can learn more about us on our website. We are committed to high quality inclusive #RSE as an important part of #safeguarding. We campaign against homophobic, sexist, misogynistic, age inappropriate or politically partisan materials. #edutwitter #PSHE
Oct 15, 2022 17 tweets 15 min read
*** New Post ***

“Now independent research has shown that the Welsh #RSE Code was influenced by elements of Queer Theory that should concern parents.” @WG_Education @childcomwales @LauraJ4SWEast @MerchedCymru @LGBAllies_Cymru @WRNWales #edutwitter #LGBT… “Queer Theory is an academic field of study that aims to dismantle accepted social norms. This may not seem immediately concerning. However in this field any idea can be – and is – challenged, including the idea that children should not be sexually active.” #CurriculumForWales
Oct 10, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
THREAD We are absolutely appalled at this latest ineptitude from @educationgovuk. This is not a ‘political flashpoint’ or a ‘culture war’ this is (once again) a serious, national failing of #safeguarding. @kitmalthouse as education secretary you need…… to take a #safeguardingfirst approach. Not use highly vulnerable children as a political football using soundbites such as ‘common sense’. The @Conservatives have overseen the worst medical, child safeguarding & lobbying scandal, all rolled into one, this country has ever seen.
Aug 10, 2022 17 tweets 10 min read
Informative speech from @SuellaBraverman to @Policy_Exchange. Stella’s stated aim was to provide ‘legal clarity’ Here are some highlights from her speech where she talks of her concern at laws being ‘misinterpreted’.

#edutwitter #WomenEd @SuellaBraverman has seen many concerning examples of inclusion being used to trump fairness & incorrect interpretations of Equality Act 2010
Jul 13, 2022 32 tweets 18 min read
THREAD Thank you @nmdacosta. We too were surprised to hear this. We all remember her dismal performance on the @MumsnetTowers where she refused to answer urgent questions on child #safeguarding. The only thing worse than Penny’s performance was when @NSPCC refused to show up. Here are some of the questions we’ve been waiting since 2019 for @PennyMordaunt to answer:

1) Could you tell us more about [the enquiry into the rise in young girls experiencing gender dysphoria] and when the findings are likely to be released?  Three years later we do have…
Jul 1, 2022 24 tweets 19 min read
THREAD Yesterday Miriam Cates MP alongside @RosieDuffield1 @JackieDP secured an #RSEDebate. Opening speech here “The internet presents children with a vast array of false & damaging information about sex” #SafeguardingDisaster Many of the #SafeguardingFail s we have hi-lighted over the past few years were included, alongside concerns raised by groups @Transgendertrd @BayswaterSG @ParentsForED @FamEdTrust. If you are new to these shocking failures we have links to further info on the cases mentioned.