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Mar 6th 2019
Karima Brown was married to apartheid spy Geoff Brown. Geoff admitted as much at TRC hearings. When fellow journalists confronted her about this matter, she said she didn't know.
Karima admitted when things were tough, Geoff would just rock up with groceries & money to pay bills but, didn't suspect anything. Geoff used to work for apartheid military intelligence.
Karima says she won't be told by EFF how to do her work as a journalist. The same Karima told Jonathan Zapiro to remove the "Shower Cartoon" during #Khwezi rape trial. She argued Zapiro was disrespectful to Zuma.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 28th 2019
This is Pinky Khoabane the owner of Uncensored Opinion which published a video of Angelo Agrizzi calling blacks kaffirs. At Agrizzi's house was former #NPA prosecutor & current DA MP #GlynnisBreytenbach seen playing with Agrizzi's monkey.
#StateCaptureInquiry #BosasaBribes
#Bosasa is a white run company, why did they only have black journalists on their payroll? Is it a case of black being corrupt?
#BosasaBribes #StateCaptureInquiry
If #Agrizzi is so sure about #PinkyKhoabane et al, why didn't he include their names in his original affidavit that he submitted to #StateCaptureInquiry? The names just popped up from nowhere.
Read 17 tweets

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