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Oct 10th 2021
The movement to bring #CO2 sensors to school empowers parents, students, & teachers to advocate for their health; Reveals invisible factors of air quality & helps see how well ventilation is matched to room activity.

Great article by @EmilyAnthes. (1/🧵)…
2/ If you are able to buy or borrow a CO2 sensor, stick it in the mesh water bottle pocket of your kid's backpack, pin into their shorts, or send in their lunchbox. Be creative. Make sure it isn't sealed away; the more airflow the better the reading.
3/ A key goal of #COVIDCO2 monitoring is to understand how well ventilation is matched to room activity & occupancy. Share the data with your school. If CO2 rises above 800 ppm, interventions needed to reduce build-up of aerosol & risk.
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