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Apr 16th 2021

@OSINTyeti flagged this #SeditionCommsUse as the East Capitol barricades are breached

1/ #EastComms hashtag: who is in this group and where are their meeting points?

More videos & group members further in this thread

Filmer Ken Oberkrom seems familiar w/ the #EastComms group. He's not part of the #SeditionComms at 5:00 when he speaks to the camera

See esp. 3:15-end: comms coordinating

Militia-type members move out into plaza with flags, apparently to await others

An earlier Oberkrom video: arrival of the Proud Boys parade, East Capitol

@ukrmed points out "Multiple radios, packs and at least one extra vest," woman in red hat may be the babysitter

Note Florida flag
#SeditionBullhorn w #Sedition3P Punisher skull

Read 9 tweets
Apr 2nd 2021

1/ Thread on the West Plaza #MediaTower

FLIR Thermal Imaging Monocular: these aren't cheap.

Was someone planning on staying the night?


Video h/t @TweedleRiot
At 21:56, left edge:
⬇️ Temp hashtag #TowerGlower (at 23:48).

Better view of his finger tattoos.

Anyone know of other sightings of #CapitolFLIR at the insurrection?

The #MediaTower was an excellent vantage point.
Thermal monoculars can also be used in daylight.
Video:… ImageImage
TL: #TowerGlower at the front of the #MediaTower a few mins later in the video, watching the police line battle.
Monocular's strap is hanging down.
Note coat sleeve & cuff, dark hood, blue hat, black bag & camera with lens hanging by hip

TR, BL: Green stripe of #CapitolFLIR
. ImageImageImageImage
Read 35 tweets
Feb 1st 2021
Looking at it now, I'm not totally convinced it's not a hearing aid, on that guy, but here's another one with #SeditionComms right next to them at 16:53 Image
Found a group w/ #SeditionComms and full tactical gear. Individual w/ SOG flag @ 17:29, handheld mic on vest @ 17:50, group of 4, 1 w/ similar gear and leaves on helmet, @ 18:06 #SeditionHunters @SeditionData @capitolhunters ImageImageImage
Read 23 tweets

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