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Jan 14th 2018
, having read #TheSunAlsoRises, at least five times, I want to share my thoughts. Hemingway wrote it in 2 mo, living in Paris, & based it on a 1925 trip south w a few expat buds to #Pamplona Esp for Festival #SanFermines & the Running of the Bulls, #TheLostGeneration
Of course, the protagonist squeezes a few days of trout fishing in (w his bota de vino, of course) in the Pyrenees Mountains, Basque Country, France. They later rendezvoused by way of train at the event. Bottle of coñac 💯. Let me clear: SF is insane. Its 24/7 day/night for 1 wk
It was in this book where Hemingway honed his approach to prose he called #IceburgTheory which is #SelectiveOmission. This is is best known masterpiece & first book, too. He discovered a way he to describe one thing while an entirely different thing was occurring. Revolutionary.
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