American Savage Profile picture
Jan 14, 2018 12 tweets 17 min read
, having read #TheSunAlsoRises, at least five times, I want to share my thoughts. Hemingway wrote it in 2 mo, living in Paris, & based it on a 1925 trip south w a few expat buds to #Pamplona Esp for Festival #SanFermines & the Running of the Bulls, #TheLostGeneration Of course, the protagonist squeezes a few days of trout fishing in (w his bota de vino, of course) in the Pyrenees Mountains, Basque Country, France. They later rendezvoused by way of train at the event. Bottle of coñac 💯. Let me clear: SF is insane. Its 24/7 day/night for 1 wk
Jan 13, 2018 7 tweets 13 min read
1) "Swole" Jeff Bezos, Richest Man in the WORLD, hobnobs with #CesspoolCitizens Coast-to-Coast, from #SiliconValley #SexFreaks #TechGeeks & #Hollywierdos to Elite #MSM & #DeepState #SwampDenizens in #DCUnderbelly…
What does #CoyBoyBezos do with his fortune? ImageImageImage 2) Before buyin#WaPo & a house down the street from #DeepStateHQ to host Subject-Specific Cocktail Parties, the #DARPA #CoyBoy Didn't Always Flaunt His Coin.

For nearly Two Decades He Flew Below the Radar. Image