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Jan 31st 2019
I encourage you to listen to the entire video. HOWEVER for all of you who have followed Q, listen VERY CLOSELY AT THE 10:00 MINUTE MARK! #QAnon #QProof #SetTheStage
via @YouTube
Drop 862
Stage set?

Drop 936
Stage SET.

Drop 1273
Stage set?

Drop 1291
Stage being set?

#QAnon #SetTheStage #WWG1WGA
So @realDonaldTrump says "We are setting the stage for what is going to happen on the 15th of February"
Couple that with his remarks earlier in the video: "She's (Pelosi) just playing games... Nancy Pelosi will be begging for a wall."
#SettingTheStage #QAnon
Read 3 tweets

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