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If Trumps tweet was a Slamdunk QProof.
How did we miss Trump hanging on the rim, shattering the glass that Hillary so wanted to dance in? Everyone can correlate 17 hours for a response with the letter Q. Seems like a waste of 17 hours for one letter. Image
"Who knows what this means but it sounds good to me." Trump has more swagger than that. Let's use the covfefelatorโ€ฆ Image
BTW, Kudos to the Q team having covfefelator's born or publish date, 1-17-17.
Gematria value of 546 also decodes to:
"Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here"
Qpost from two years ago to this day. (pay no attn to the leap year)
Read 3 tweets
1. #QAnon Anons, why would we provide the date of the FISA release?
Logical thinking.
Ammunition is finite.
2. #QAnon #IGReport โ€œThe inspector generalโ€™s report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,โ€ Attorney General William Barr.
3. #QAnon CIA Informant Carter "Page..1st approved for targeting Oct 2016...Justice Dept obtained 3 renewals.. to eavesdrop on Mr. Page โ€” 2 under Trump admin" w " "dozens of -significant- inaccuracies, material omissions or assertions that were -not- backed in supporting docs".
Read 25 tweets
Q-Thread 3/15
Today is FRIDAY.
A DAY to remember.
]Mueller Report[
Are YOU ready???


President Trump just left the Pentagon where he met with National Security officials- NSA.
Chatter has increased, respectively to the PANIC in DC.
The plan has been set- All systems GO.
Be vigilant. Keep your head on a swivel and if you see something hinky say something.
This week's calendar had two important deadlines- One- @GenFlynn's trial update/status report- Delayed sentencing again. Two- Rick Gates sentencing in Mueller inv.- Delayed 60 days.
Both were delayed due to cooperation with other ongoing investigations. Interesting developments
Read 25 tweets
***** Q-Thread 2/24-2/25 *****

Drop 2885
They NEVER thought Crooked Hillary would lose.- How do you lose a rigged election?
RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!- I can feel it. Keep it coming.
Those who are the loudestโ€ฆ..

Q revisits one of my faves- Bill Maher. He is such a weasel. I bet he dresses in baby clothes. Kid Love Productions?
Re: Trump tweet about not letting Hoda Muthana- the terrorist bride- into the US.
Ask yourself a simple question, should a woman who travels to Syria to support and encourage 'JIHAD' against the 'West' deserve to liveโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.?- Traitor/Sedition
Read 29 tweets
******* Q-Thread 2/20 ******* 2826-
This is an embedded video clip from NCIS New Orleans, where they of course tie #QAnon into #PizzaGate #Area51 #GrassyKnoll - so basically still attempting to discredit through mockery and ridicule. Rule #4 again.
When their attempts to silence through 'print' fail, they must now include in TV/video.- Tavistock method 101. TV is the most pervasive of the mind control mediums. The message is framed so that you never even notice.
๐Ÿ“- CC hit video from March 2018.
Why put so much attention into a so-called conspiracy?- Loss of narrative- Mainstream
Why is it critically important for them to change your opinion or prevent you from opening your mind?- Group think. How many f^@%ing times do I have to say TAVISTOCK!
Read 36 tweets
I encourage you to listen to the entire video. HOWEVER for all of you who have followed Q, listen VERY CLOSELY AT THE 10:00 MINUTE MARK! #QAnon #QProof #SetTheStage
via @YouTube
Drop 862
Stage set?

Drop 936
Stage SET.

Drop 1273
Stage set?

Drop 1291
Stage being set?

#QAnon #SetTheStage #WWG1WGA
So @realDonaldTrump says "We are setting the stage for what is going to happen on the 15th of February"
Couple that with his remarks earlier in the video: "She's (Pelosi) just playing games... Nancy Pelosi will be begging for a wall."
#SettingTheStage #QAnon
Read 3 tweets
What a year of revelation it has been. I knew our entire system was rigged against liberty. I knew the media was never going to give us truth. Donald Trump fought the media and won. That was one battle, the war is still being waged. Then Q stepped in to help the sheep wake up.
I'm not going to spend a lot of tweets talking about what Q is and why I know Q is what Q claims to be. By now you should know Q is an intelligence/information operation that is tied directly to the commander in chief.
OK, just one #QProof for any newbies that don't know. Burden of proof is on you if you want to debunk Q. Explain original photos from Airforce1. Photo posted with filename DOITQ..... There are hundreds of these coincidences at
Read 25 tweets
You must remember that the secret to all of this is not to be afraid of fear. When you can really allow yourself to be afraid, and you don't resist the experience of fear, you are truly beginning to master fear.
The stage is set
Actors are a running to the dark corners like roaches in the light
The ones that are the loudest are the main characters as no one can be that deceived
It's raining #TheRainMakers
Here comes the PAIN! #PatriotsFight
God's in Control
#WWG1WGA #KAG #GreatAwakening
Thread by @_VachelLindsay_
1. I have no doubt that Obama will be indicted and found guilty of at least THREE major felonies, just from his central involvement in the framing of Donald J Trump
@threadreaderapp #ObamaGate #MAGA #WWG1WGA #QAnon #LockThemUpโ€ฆ
Read 139 tweets

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