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Jul 9th 2020
For all of the unfortunate ways that COVID-19 has amplified disparities in health, I am hopeful that increased telemedicine efforts will reduce disparities related to access to care #sharethemicnowpublichealth (@DrSteShi)
An example near and dear to me is maternal health. I've often wondered why insurance doesn't cover an at-home blood pressure cuff for pregnant women. It's inexpensive and could potentially catch currently missed conditions related to adverse outcomes #sharethemicnowpublichealth
(@DrSteShi) 1. My story - elevated bp at 32 weeks taken by home cuff on a Monday. Scheduled ultrasound next day Tues, with bp taken at my request (bp check not usu part of ultrasound visit). Checked into hospital immediately and induced by Wed evening after steroids.
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Jul 9th 2020
@charliehall613 @DrSteShi Thanks a great question! I follow the @hechingerreport and @DeleceWrites for reporting of trends in higher ed, often involving issues related to BIPOC, but I don't know of any pubs offhand that tackle this issue of recruitment specifically #sharethemicnowpublichealth
@charliehall613 @DrSteShi @hechingerreport @DeleceWrites Ah, sorry @charliehall613! replied to the wrong tweet. I first learned about the weakness of SAT scores in predicting college success in reading Outliers by @malcolmgladwell
@charliehall613 @DrSteShi @hechingerreport @DeleceWrites @malcolmgladwell Wait, it actually might have been in 'How Children Succeed' by @paultough that I first read about SATs not best predicting college success. I read that and 'Outliers' the summer after finishing my doctorate and am now getting the content mixed up between the two! (@DrSteShi)
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Jul 7th 2020
Hey Twitter. Stay tuned, because this Thursday I'm excited to #ShareTheMicNowPublicHealth with my amazing colleague (and former @HarvardBiostats classmate) Dr. Alisa Stephens-Shields @DrSteShi of UPenn. Image
Dr. Stephens-Shields is a rockstar biostatistician who is deeply committed to advocacy and better screening for the Black community. She will be taking over my account for the day on July 9th. I hope you're ready to read, listen, and learn from her wisdom.…
#ShareTheMicNowPublicHealth is inspired by #ShareTheMicNow and #ShareTheMicNowMed. It's about amplifying voices we need to be hearing from. Alisa is someone I really admire, so I am thrilled that she has signed on. Check back Thursday!…
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