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Jul 2nd 2020
#ThrowbackThursday Starting a thread on some of the Best English TV Series i saw in the 80's and 90's on DD, the Baap of all TV Channels in India. Starting with Johnny Soko And His Flying Robot a Childhood favorite about a Boy who had a watch controlled Flying Robot #FlyingRobot
Project UFO was about a team of 2 USAF Officials Maj. Jake Gatlin and Staff Sgt. Harry Fitz. who set off on a mission across the USA to investigate UFO sightings and find out the truth behind them. A good predecessor to the X Files this was based on Project Blue Book #ProjectUFO
Target was a British Police Action Drama series featuring the famous character Det. Supt. Steve Hackett, who with his sharp wits and quick action would almost tackle every criminal and bring him down. This was also quite popular for its theme music #Target #Hackett #DD #TV
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