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Aug 15th 2020
Now things in #Penang are slowly unraveling with rise in #Covid_19 cases.. Not easy with fragments of info, but here it is.. Cases in Penang are basically from Kedah #TawarCluster ..
Immediate case at Adventist Hospital was case 9129, 56y F.
Proactive steps were taken.. 1/n ImageImage
And to make sense of @malaysiakini report below.. It had correctly quoted @DGHisham that case 9129, the 56y female reportedly admitted Adventist #Penang .. was part of Kedah #TawarCluster .. hence not yet a Penang #Covid_19 case.. 2/n Image
Then combining both @malaysiakini , @DGHisham & @KKMPutrajaya .. We see the bigger picture yesterday that the #Penang #Covid_19 positive yesterday was case 9149, 58y F who was "visiting case 9133 & case 9129 at a private hospital in Penang" !! case 9149 is from Teluk Kumbar.. 3/n ImageImage
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