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Jan 1st 2022
All very easy to pile on the @IndianExpress which won’t influence a single vote. Three large Hindi newspapers, with 200-300 times more circulation in #UttarPradesh, carried the same “offending” advertisement. What about them? @JagranNews @AmarUjalaNews @Live_Hindustan
2️⃣ Beyond the fact-free content of #UttarPradesh ads, the real issue is the vomit-inducing splurge of taxpayers’ money to capture media. In just the 31 days of December, sangh mouthpiece ‘Dainik Jagran’ received 63 ads; ‘Amar Ujala’ 58; ‘Hindustan’ 37. #SochInaamdaarKaamDumdaar
3️⃣ Add advertorials, partnerships, events, slanted news (prepaid and postpaid) and puff pieces intended to massage the ego and secure more, and the obnoxious waste of public money by the @myogiadityanath government to buy up media becomes clear. #SochImaandaarKaamDumdaar
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