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May 17th 2022
"In a nation plagued by hidden poverty, what makes us most vulnerable is the basic moral contradiction of poverty, which we have tried to ignore for the past 40 years. 140 million Americans– 43% of adults and 52% of children–are suffering in plain sight."…
Power Grid Operators Warn Of Potential Electricity Shortages Amid Transition To Clean Energy | ZeroHedge…
#RenewableEnergy, #PowerGrid, #ElectricityShortages, #CleanEnergy, #BatteryStorage, #FossilFuelPowerPlants
Read 13 tweets
May 14th 2022
"The best relationships and the right opportunities handle the truth. The ones that can’t were never reciprocal. They were never real. They were never honest. Be honest. You won’t ever regret it." -- Eve Barlow @Eve_Barlow…
After the Zeitenwende: Jürgen Habermas and Germany's new identity crisis - New Statesman…
#RussiaUkraine, #GermanHistory, #InternationalRelations, #PostReunification
Read 13 tweets

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