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May 29th 2022
So let's start with some updates (first 10 for now) #ElrondNFTs #ElrondNetwork #ClaudeReviews (see… ) /1
The @ElrondHunters are still active and developing their project as the main #NFT project of VitalDAO. Latest EVO looks pretty cool. Rating remains unchanged. /2
@ElrondHunters The @AngryPenguins_ have created a super cool upgrade system (what #SpaceRobots have yet to do), and have received recognition from @beniaminmincu. Rating unchanged for now, but close to an up-move! /3
Read 38 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
🇬🇧🇺🇸 THREAD @SpaceRobotsNFT 🤖
I will try to explain why am i so bullish on this one 🔍

⚠️ I am neither an expert or an influencer. Just simple guy who tries to push himself to not stay a Muggle.

Let’s talk about collectibles, staking, p2e and community 👀 LFG ! Image
1/7 TO START 🚦

I’ve discovered this 💎 digging on Twitter ⛏ At the beginning, 2 strengths kept my attention :

🖼 Some attractive sneak peeks from robot universe

🤖 A very specific language that looked like a robot slang. I’m really about this kind of details 🤤
From the beginning, they tweet with binary language 💬 and codes that give a cohesion with their universe 🪐

I quickly understood this wasn’t at all a low effort NFT project ! We are facing a team that is actually trying at least to get out of the box ⚰️ Image
Read 22 tweets

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