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Dec 28th 2021
It is this time of the year again: TOP 20 GU Oncology clinical trials published in 2021:

Some negative, some positive, some led to @FDAOncology approval; we learned from all!

Feel free to add & retweet & tag anyone involved

This is not an exhaustive list

1/ (177Lu)–PSMA-617 showing improved PFS and OS in pre-treated mCRPC patients vs. SOC, in addition to a favorable safety profile @sartor_oliver @morr316 @NEJM…
2/ MRI with targeted & standard biopsy in men with MRI suggestive of prostate cancer (PC) was noninferior to standard biopsy for detecting clinically significant PC &resulted in less detection of clinically insignificant cancer @NEJM @TobiasNordstrom…
Read 22 tweets
Dec 2nd 2020
Train No.12027 - Shadabdhi Express

Train No.12027 - Shadabdhi Express from Chennai MGR Central to KSR Bangalore will shortly depart from Platform No.7.

I was sitting in the window seat allotted to me. The whole train looked almost half empty.
My seat was in the middle of the coach wherein a wooden table is fixed for the passengers' use. You'll not be able to fold the same as in other seats.

As the train was nearing Basin Bridge station, a man, aged about late 30s, walked in & occupied the aisle seat.
On the other side in the same row, 2 girls (youngsters) (probably IT employees working in Bangalore) were sitting.

Please don't mistake me. Nowadays, I observe people around me to know about people's characteristics.
Read 34 tweets

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