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Jul 17th 2020

1. St Alexis (Alexius) is a perfect model of the most generous contempt of the world. He was the only son of a rich senator of Rome in the fifth century. The more he enlarged his views of eternity
#StAlexisOfRome #SaintOfTheDay #Christian Image
2. and raised his thoughts and desires to the bright scene of immortal bliss, the more did he despise all the empty pageantry of all that worldlings call great!

Fearing the distraction of temporal honours he planned to renounce the advantages of his birth. #NotOfThisWorld
3. In disguise he travelled into a distant country, embraced extreme poverty, and resided in a hut adjoining to a church. After some time there he was discovered to be a stranger of distinction. Therefore he returned home, and being received as a poor pilgrim, lived some time
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