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Jun 9th 2023
Since August 2020, a large group of “trolls,” stalkers and inauthentic influencers have built a literal cult devoted to harassing and discrediting me. #StewAnon

Many of them were pulled into it without the benefit of understanding the real purpose.

A few are now realizing it.
To the people who have participated in harassing me, my friends, and colleagues and are now realizing they were hoaxed, this is a peace offering to you.

As you know, there are serious legal attacks on me personally, which contain harassment from the group you were part of.
I have every intention of getting accountability from the people who hoaxed you — who had actual malice in defaming me for three years.

But I do not intend to go after people who were hurt themselves by this cult, even if they acted badly — as long as they stop, now.
Read 4 tweets
May 16th 2023
You guys. 🤭

@daithaigilbert you did it, bro! You made the big time. Erik Prince chaos agent Louise Mensch loves your work.

How can you morons own yourselves any harder? 😂 Image
This is seriously the funniest thing I have ever fucking seen.
@LouiseMensch got this directly from Doug Stewart.
“friendly with Mike Rothschild” ✅
“StewAnon” ✅
Completely made up bullshit ✅
David Gilbert is a researcher ackshally ✅

Holy crap 🤣 ImageImageImageImage
I can’t breathe… bahahahhahahadsfb
#StewAnon Image
Read 4 tweets
May 8th 2023
The psychopathic sadist who kickstarted the incel movement, created and ran GamerGate, created 8chan, enabled CP, was BFFs with Cernovich & Weev, wrote in the Daily Stormer, and promoted Q has been harassing me for nearly 3 years.

His smear campaign is in Flynn’s lawsuit. 🤔… Image
Fredrick Brennan has been conspiring with internet terrorist Douglas Matthew Stewart to tear every part of my life apart since I contacted Fred in August 2020.

They have created a GamerGate like hate cult with me as the target.

They have named me “StewAnon” which is helpful.
To give you an idea of how long and consistent this harassment is, I created a video of me trying to fight all the mentions of #StewAnon over two years ago.

This was me trying to make light of a brutal and traumatic harassment campaign.

You will see Fred Brennan on the right.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 6th 2023
The incel cult leader of GamerGate who created 8chan and wrote in the Daily Stormer, a white nationalist terrorist who helped start QAnon for Mike Flynn, and the leading “QAnon expert” have built a cult dedicated to hatred of me personally.
#StewAnon #DigitalSoldiers
To say I have “receipts” of the swarm of harassment and defamation originating from these people is an understatement.

33 months of this abuse. All of it is documented.
I am done with it.
The “QAnon expert” was lying about me and about QAnon so I offered to debate him anytime. Instead I got an email from the incel GamerGate cult leader.

When I published the email, he tried to get my Substack taken down and threatened to sue me.…
Read 14 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
🧵 I’d like to describe an “op” by the left wing of Mike Flynn’s digital soldiers.

This is just a small window into a 33-month coordinated harassment campaign to discredit me and interfere with everything I do.

Incredibly, Flynn’s digital soldiers weaponized the @ADL.
Mike Rothschild is a deceptive, abusive “journalist” who is actually employed to promote and protect QAnon, and the people responsible for it — in order to make money from book sales and “consulting.”

He has been focused on destroying me since I DM’ed him in August 2020.
Mike Rothschild has collected, or been assigned, a wide array of allies, all of whom help him with his campaign of harassment.

One of those people is Jared Holt, who came out of nowhere to attack me on behalf of Rothschild the day I got inauthentically banned for a year.
Read 10 tweets

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